README for Template::Plugin::Chump 1.2

=head1 NAME

Template::Plugin::Chump - provides a Template Toolkit filter for Chump like syntax


	[% USE Chump %]


	[% FILTER chump %]

	This will get turned into a clickable link 

	This will turn the word 'foo' into a link to

	This will get turned into an image link 

	This will get turned into an inline image with the label 'bar'

    This will get turned into an image with the label 'bar' which 
    is a link to

	[% END %]

	And this will do what you expect
	[% somevar FILTER chump %]

	[% Chump.new_type('equal','=', subref,'rege+xp') %]
	[% FILTER chump %]
	[% END %]
	the subroutine subref will now be called for all links 
    of the format =[<stuff>]

	[% FILTER chump( {links=>0}) %]
	links won't be parsed so this ...
	will remain as is
	[% END %]	

Alternatively you can pass in a Text::Chump object and use that.

	[% USE Chump({ chump => my_chump_object }) %]


This module has external dependencies on the following modules:



 perl Makefile.PL
 make test

and if all goes well

 make install

=head1 HISTORY

Revision history for Perl extension Template::Plugin::Chump.

2003-10-07 Some minor fixing
	To fix a minor snafu with Template::Plugin::ShellQuote

2003-06-25 More docs, a new option

=head1 AUTHOR

Simon Wistow <>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Text::Chump>, L<Template::Plugin::Filter>