README for Template::Plugin::Chump 1.1 =head1 NAME Template::Plugin::Chump - provides a Template Toolkit filter for Chump like syntax =head1 SYNOPSIS [% USE Chump %] <html> <body> [% FILTER chump %] This will get turned into a clickable link This will turn the word 'foo' into a link to [foo|] This will get turned into an image link +[] This will get turned into an inline image with the label 'bar' +[bar|] This will get turned into an image with the label 'bar' which is a link to +[bar||] [% END %] And this will do what you expect [% somevar FILTER chump %] [% Chump.new_type('equal','=', subref,'rege+xp') %] [% FILTER chump %] =[foo|regeeeeexp] [% END %] the subroutine subref will now be called for all links of the format =[<stuff>] [% FILTER chump( {links=>0}) %] links won't be parsed so this ... [foo|] will remain as is [% END %] </body> </html> Alternatively you can pass in a Text::Chump object and use that. [% USE Chump({ chump => my_chump_object }) %] =head1 DEPENDENCIES This module has external dependencies on the following modules: Template Test::More Text::Chump =head1 INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make test and if all goes well make install =head1 HISTORY Revision history for Perl extension Template::Plugin::Chump. 2003-06-25 More docs, a new option Improved the docs. Added something so that you can pass in an already formed Text::Chump object. =head1 AUTHOR Simon Wistow <> =head1 SEE ALSO L<Text::Chump>, L<Template::Plugin::Filter>