WebService::PayPal::NVP - PayPal NVP API


version 0.006


    use feature qw( say );

    my $nvp = WebService::PayPal::NVP->new(
        user   => 'user.tld',
        pwd    => 'xxx',
        sig    => 'xxxxxxx',
        branch => 'sandbox',

    my $res = $nvp->set_express_checkout({
        DESC              => 'Payment for something cool',
        AMT               => 25.00,
        CURRENCYCODE      => 'GBP',
        PAYMENTACTION     => 'Sale',
        RETURNURL         => "http://returnurl.tld",
        CANCELURL         => "http//cancelurl.tld",
        LANDINGPAGE       => 'Login',
        ADDOVERRIDE       => 1,
        SHIPTONAME        => "Customer Name",
        SHIPTOSTREET      => "7 Customer Street",
        SHIPTOSTREET2     => "",
        SHIPTOCITY        => "Town",
        SHIPTOZIP         => "Postcode",
        SHIPTOEMAIL       => "customer\@example.com",

    if ($res->success) {
        # timestamps turned into DateTime objects
        say "Response received at "
            . $res->timestamp->dmy . " "
            . $res->timestamp->hms(':');

        say $res->token;

        for my $arg ($res->args) {
            if ($res->has_arg($arg)) {
                say "$arg => " . $res->$arg;

        # get a redirect uri to paypal express checkout
        # the Response object will automatically detect if you have
        # live or sandbox and return the appropriate url for you
        if (my $redirect_user_to = $res->express_checkout_uri) {
    else {
        say $_
          for @{$res->errors};


A pure object oriented interface to PayPal's NVP API (Name-Value Pair). A lot of the logic in this module was taken from [Business::PayPal::NVP](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::PayPal::NVP). I re-wrote it because it wasn't working with Catalyst adaptors and I couldn't save instances of it in Moose-type accessors. Otherwise it worked fine. So if you don't need that kind of support you should visit [Business::PayPal::NVP](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::PayPal::NVP)!.
Another difference with this module compared to Business::PayPal::NVP is that the keys may be passed as lowercase. Also, a response will return a WebService::PayPal::NVP::Response object where the response values are methods. Timestamps will automatically be converted to DateTime objects for your convenience.


## api\_ver

The version of PayPal's NVP API which you would like to use.  Defaults to 51.

## errors

Returns an `ArrayRef` of errors.  The ArrayRef is empty when there are no

## has\_errors

Returns true if `errors()` is non-empty.

## create\_recurring\_payments\_profile( $HashRef )

## do\_direct\_payment( $HashRef )

## do\_express\_checkout\_payment( $HashRef )

## get\_express\_checkout\_details( $HashRef )

## get\_recurring\_payments\_profile\_details( $HashRef )

## get\_transaction\_details( $HashRef )

## manage\_recurring\_payments\_profile\_status( $HashRef )

## mass\_pay( $HashRef )

## refund\_transaction( $HashRef )

## set\_express\_checkout( $HashRef )

## transaction\_search( $HashRef )

## ua( LWP::UserAgent->new( ... ) )

This method allows you to provide your own UserAgent.  This object must be of
the [LWP::UserAgent](https://metacpan.org/pod/LWP::UserAgent) family, so [WWW::Mechanize](https://metacpan.org/pod/WWW::Mechanize) modules will also work.

## url

The PayPal URL to use for requests.  This can be helpful when mocking requests.
Defaults to PayPals production or sandbox URL as appropriate.


The main test will not work out of the box, because obviously it needs some sandbox/live api details before it can proceed. Simply create an `auth.yml` file in the distribution directory with the following details:

    user: 'api_user'
    pass: 'api password'
    sig:  'api signature'
    branch: 'sandbox or live'

If it detects the file missing completely it will just skip every test. Otherwise, it will only fail if any of the required information is missing.


Brad Haywood <brad@geeksware.com>


A lot of this module was taken from [Business::PayPal::NVP](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::PayPal::NVP) by Scott Wiersdorf.
It was only rewritten in order to work properly in [Catalyst::Model::Adaptor](https://metacpan.org/pod/Catalyst::Model::Adaptor).


A huge thanks to Olaf Alders (OALDERS) for all of his useful pull requests!


Brad Haywood <brad@perlpowered.com>


This software is copyright (c) 2013-2017 by Brad Haywood.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.