LWP::ConsoleLogger - LWP tracing and debugging

    version 0.000011

        my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( cookie_jar => {} );
        my $console_logger = LWP::ConsoleLogger->new(
            dump_content       => 1,
            dump_text          => 1,
            content_pre_filter => sub {
                my $content      = shift;
                my $content_type = shift;

                # mangle content here

                    return $content;

        my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
            'Accept-Encoding' => scalar HTTP::Message::decodable() );

        $ua->add_handler( 'response_done',
            sub { $console_logger->response_callback( @_ ) } );
        $ua->add_handler( 'request_send',
            sub { $console_logger->request_callback( @_ ) } );

        # now watch debugging output to your screen
        $ua->get( '' );


        # or start the easy way
        use LWP::ConsoleLogger::Easy qw( debug_ua );
        use WWW::Mechanize;

        my $mech           = WWW::Mechanize->new;   # or LWP::UserAgent->new() etc
        my $console_logger = debug_ua( $mech );
        $mech->get( $some_url );

        # now watch the console for debugging output
        # turn off header dumps
        $console_logger->dump_headers( 0 );

        $mech->get( $some_other_url );

        # sample output might look like this


        | Key | Value |
        | _r  | 1     |
        | hp  |       |

        Request Headers:
        | Header Name     | Value                          |
        | Accept-Encoding | gzip                           |
        | Cookie2         | $Version="1"                   |
        | Referer         | |
        | User-Agent      | WWW-Mechanize/1.73             |

        200 OK

        Title: The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

        Response Headers:
        | Header Name              | Value                         |
        | Accept-Ranges            | bytes                         |
        | Age                      | 176                           |
        | Cache-Control            | no-cache                      |
        | Channels                 | NytNow                        |
        | Client-Date              | Fri, 30 May 2014 22:37:42 GMT |
        | Client-Peer              |            |
        | Client-Response-Num      | 1                             |
        | Client-Transfer-Encoding | chunked                       |
        | Connection               | keep-alive                    |
        | Content-Encoding         | gzip                          |
        | Content-Type             | text/html; charset=utf-8      |
        | Date                     | Fri, 30 May 2014 22:37:41 GMT |
        | NtCoent-Length           | 65951                         |
        | Server                   | Apache                        |
        | Via                      | 1.1 varnish                   |
        | X-Cache                  | HIT                           |
        | X-Varnish                | 1142859770 1142854917         |

        | Text                                                     |
        | F.C.C., in a Shift, Backs Fast Lanes for Web Traffic...  |

    BETA BETA BETA. This is currently an experiment. Things could change.
    Please adjust accordingly.

    It can be hard (or at least tedious) to debug mechanize scripts.
    LWP::Debug is deprecated. It suggests you write your own debugging
    handlers, set up a proxy or install Wireshark. Those are all workable
    solutions, but this module exists to save you some of that work. The
    guts of this module are stolen from Plack::Middleware::DebugLogging,
    which in turn stole most of its internals from Catalyst. If you're new
    to LWP::ConsoleLogger, I suggest getting started with the
    LWP::ConsoleLogger::Easy wrapper. This will get you up and running in
    minutes. If you need to tweak the settings that LWP::ConsoleLogger::Easy
    chooses for you (or if you just want to be fancy), please read on.

    Since this is a debugging library, I've left as much mutable state as
    possible, so that you can easily toggle output on and off and otherwise
    adjust how you deal with the output.

    The following arguments can be passed to new(), although none are
    required. They can also be called as methods on an instantiated object.
    I'll list them here and discuss them in detail below.

    *   "dump_content => 0|1"

    *   "dump_cookies => 0|1"

    *   "dump_headers => 0|1"

    *   "dump_params => 0|1"

    *   "dump_text => 0|1"

    *   "content_pre_filter => sub { ... }"

    *   "text_pre_filter => sub { ... }"

    *   "html_restrict => HTML::Restrict->new( ... )"

    *   "logger => Log::Dispatch->new( ... )"

    *   "term_width => $integer"

  dump_content( 0|1 )
    Boolean value. If true, the actual content of your response (HTML, JSON,
    etc) will be dumped to your screen. Defaults to false.

  dump_cookies( 0|1 )
    Boolean value. If true, the content of your cookies will be dumped to
    your screen. Defaults to false.

  dump_headers( 0|1 )
    Boolean value. If true, both request and response headers will be dumped
    to your screen. Defaults to true.

    Headers are dumped in alphabetical order.

  dump_params( 0|1 )
    Boolean value. If true, both GET and POST params will be dumped to your
    screen. Defaults to true.

    Params are dumped in alphabetical order.

  dump_text( 0|1 )
    Boolean value. If true, dumps the text of your page after both the
    content_pre_filter and text_pre_filters have been applied. Defaults to

  content_pre_filter( sub { ... } )
    Subroutine reference. This allows you to manipulate content before it is
    dumped. A common use case might be stripping headers and footers away
    from HTML content to make it easier to detect changes in the body of the

        sub {
            my $content      = shift;
            my $content_type = shift; # the value of the Content-Type header
            if (   $content_type =~ m{html}i
                && $content =~ m{<!--\scontent\s-->(.*)<!--\sfooter}msx ) {
                return $1;
            return $content;

    Try to make sure that your content mangling doesn't return broken HTML
    as that may not play with with HTML::Restrict.

  text_pre_filter( sub { ... } )
    Subroutine reference. This allows you to manipulate text before it is
    dumped. A common use case might be stripping away duplicate whitespace
    and/or newlines in order to improve formatting. Keep in mind that the
    "content_pre_filter" will have been applied to the content which is
    passed to the text_pre_filter. The idea is that you can strip away an
    HTML you don't care about in the content_pre_filter phase and then
    process the remainder of the content in the text_pre_filter.

        sub {
            my $content      = shift;
            my $content_type = shift; # the value of the Content-Type header

            # do something with the content
            # ...

            return $content;

    If this is HTML content, HTML::Restrict will be applied after the
    text_pre_filter has been run. LWP::ConsoleLogger will then strip away
    some whitespace and newlines from processed HTML in its own opinionated
    way, in order to present you with more readable text.

  html_restrict( HTML::Restrict->new( ... ) )
    If the content_type indicates HTML then HTML::Restrict will be used to
    strip tags from your content in the text rendering process. You may pass
    your own HTML::Restrict object, if you like. This would be helpful in
    situations where you still do want to some some tags in your text.

  logger( Log::Dispatch->new( ... ) )
    By default all data will be dumped to your console (as the name of this
    module implies) using Log::Dispatch. However, you may use your own
    Log::Dispatch module in order to facilitate logging to files or any
    other output which Log::Dispatch supports.

  term_width( $integer )
    By default this module will try to find the maximum width of your
    terminal and use all available space when displaying tabular data. You
    may use this parameter to constrain the tables to an arbitrary width.

    Aside from the BETA warnings, I should say that I've written this to
    suit my needs and there are a lot of things I haven't considered. For
    example, I'm really only dealing with GET and POST. There's probably a
    much better way of getting the POST params than what I copied in a hurry
    from a very old module. Also, I'm mostly assuming that the content will
    be text, HTML or XML.

    The test suite is not very robust either. If you'd like to contribute to
    this module and you can't find an appropriate test, do add something to
    the example folder (either a new script or alter an existing one), so
    that I can see what your patch does.

    Olaf Alders <>

    This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by MaxMind, Inc..

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)