
        my @data = ( 1 .. 15 );

        my $machine = Data::ConveyorBelt->new;
        $machine->getter( sub {
            my( $limit, $offset ) = @_;
            $offset ||= 0;
            return [ @data[ $offset .. $offset + $limit ] ];
        } );

        $machine->add_filter( sub {
            my( $data ) = @_;
            return [ grep { $_ % 2 == 1 } @$data ];
        } );
        my $data = $machine->fetch( limit => 5 );

    Returns a new *Data::ConveyorBelt* instance.

  $machine->getter( [ \&getter ] )
    Gets/sets the getter subroutine *\&getter* that represents the list of
    items in your data source. Required before calling *fetch*.

    A getter subroutine will be passed two arguments: the number of items to
    return, and the offset into the list (0-based). It must return a
    reference to the matching list of items.

  $machine->add_filter( \&filter )
    Adds a filter subroutine *\&filter* to your chain of filters.

    A filter will be passed a reference to a list of items as returned
    either from your getter or from a previous filter in the chain. A filter
    must return a reference to a list of items.

    A filter can alter the size of the list of items, either removing or
    expanding items in the list. It can also transform the items in the

  $machine->fetch( %param )
    Fetches a list of items from your data source, passes them through your
    filters, and returns a reference to a list of items.

    You must install a *getter* before calling *fetch*, but you don't have
    to install any filters. Running *fetch* without any filters does what
    you'd expect: it returns the values directly from your data source,
    unmodified and unfiltered.

    *%param* can contain:

    *   limit

        The number of items to return. Required.

    *   offset

        The offset into the full list of items (0-based). Optional; defaults
        to 0.

    *   chunk_size

        The number of items to request at a time from your getter function.

        For example, if your getter has high latency (reading from a network
        resource, for example), and if you suspect that your filters will be
        fairly aggressive--and will end up removing a good percentage of the
        items returned from the getter--you may want to fetch larger chunks
        of data at a time.

        Optional; defaults to the same value as *limit*.

    *Data::ConveyorBelt* is free software; you may redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

    Except where otherwise noted, *Data::ConveyorBelt* is Copyright 2007 Six