NAME Monitoring::Spooler - Notification queue for Zabbix, Nagios, NAME Monitoring::Spooler - a notification queue for Zabbix, Nagios and other montioring systems SETUP GET A TEXT AND/OR VOICE PROVIDER First you need to sign up at a suitable text and/or voice provider, e.g. sipgate. You'll need the credentials for this provider later. CONFIGURATION See below for an example configuration. Place it at /etc/mon-spooler/spooler.conf. Adjust DBFile (path to SQLite database, needs to be writeable by cronjob and webapp), TemplatePath, StaticPath and the list of transports. Set the credentials from the previous step here. Remove any transport you don't have credentials for. RUN BOOTSTRAP Run the bootstrap command: bootstrap --name=<newgrp> This will create an initial group and set things up. CREATE CRONJOBS Create at least one cronjob here. If you have set-up an provider which supports both text and phone messages you should set up two cronjobs here, otherwise create only one for either phone or test messages. SETUP MONITORING Set up your monitoring to send notifications the this external command: create -g<group_id> -t<{text|phone}> -m<message> If you've created only one group and only want to send text messages this could look like this: create -g1 -ttext -m<MSG> How you pass MSG depends on your monitoring solution. Take a look at the next subsection on setup with Zabbix. ZABBIX SETUP To allow Zabbix to trigger external notifications you'll need some kind of wrapper script since Zabbix is very strict on how and where it'll place it's notifications. First you'll need to set AlertScriptsPath in you zabbix_server.conf to some exisiting path. If it is already set remember this path. Next you'll need to place a simple wrapper script (e.g. a shell script) into this directory. The script, named e.g., could look like this: #!/bin/bash create -g$1 -ttext -m"$2" Next you'll need to add a new Media Type in Zabbix with the type Script and the Script name set to Zabbix will always pass the media property (e.g. number) first, and then the message. Since this distribution does it's own contact/escalation handling we don't care about the destination number and will use the destination field to multiplex between the different groups. Each of which will have it's own contact list and escalation handling. For each group you need to create an new use in Zabbix. Name it like <group>.queue, e.g. admins.queue and developers.queue. For each of these "queue-users" you need to add a new media w/ the newly defined type and an "Send To" value which matches the group id within Monitoring::Spooler. Afterwards you'll need to create a new action with an appropriate name, an event source of triggers, no escalations, a subject and concise message as well as recovery messages. The "operation" should send a message to new appropriate "queue user". SETUP WEBINTERFACE In this optional step you can set up the included webinterface and http API. CGI and PSGI endpoints are provided. Give the usual usage scenario of this App an CGI employment should be fine, but if you run into any performance issues w/ the web app you should first try to run it under any PSGI wrapper, e.g. Starman. CONFIGURATION <Monitoring> <Spooler> NegatingTrigger = 1 DBFile = /var/lib/mon-spooler/db.sqlite3 <Frontend> TemplatePath = /var/lib/mon-spooler/tpl StaticPath = /var/lib/mon-spooler/res </Frontend> <Transport> <Sipgate> Username = Test Password = Test Priority = 1 </Sipgate> <Smstrade> Apikey = xyz Route = basic Priority = 99 </Smstrade> <FreeSwitch> hostname = localhost port = 8021 password = pass priority = 1 url = sofia/gateway/provider.tld # url = freetdm/1/ defaultaudio = /var/lib/mon-spooler/audio/default_alarm_multi.wav </FreeSwitch> <Pjsua> sipid = registrar = realm = * username = user password = pass outbound = stunsrv = Priority = 99 </Pjsua> </Transport> </Spooler> </Monitoring> SEE ALSO This distribution is much like the commerical PagerDuty service. Only that it's free, self-hosted and fully customizable. AUTHOR Dominik Schulz <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Dominik Schulz. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.