TT2::Play::Area - Simple site to allow playing with TT2 syntax and
    built in plugins.


    version 0.001


    This is a mini site for testing Template Toolkit 2 and Template::Alloy
    rendering in a similar way to sites like jsFiddle. It provides a pane
    for editing the template, and a pane for providing the variables to
    pass it (in JSON).

    Currently supported 'engines' are,

      * Template (TT2)

      * Template::Alloy

      * Template::Alloy (using AUTO_FILTER html)

    On the front end jQuery and CodeMirror are used to provide the UI.


    The site is automatically built into a docker container on so
    if you simply want to spin it up the quickest way is to,

        docker run -d -p5000:5000

    This will expose it on port 5000 on localhost, so you should be able to
    browse to http://localhost:5000.

    Alternatively, if you've installed the module from CPAN then you can
    run it using plackup like this,

        plackup `which tt2-play-area.psgi`

    Note that if you run with starman you need to use the --preload-app
    option otherwise you will get 403 errors when trying to process the
    templates because the CSRF prevention mechanism gets in the way.

    Or if you checkout the github repo like this,

        cpanm --installdeps .
        plackup -I lib bin/tt2-play-area.psgi


    Colin Newell <>


    This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Colin Newell.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The MIT (X11) License