Script          Testing
args.t          Passing positional and named arguments to code/object methods
autoform.t      Autoformat plugin (Template::Plugin::Autoformat)
base.t module
binop.t         Binary operators
block.t         BLOCK definition
capture.t       Capture directive output and assign to a variable
case.t          CASE option to switch case sensitivity
compile1.t      Compile templates to Perl code and save to file
compile2.t      Reload above compiled templates without re-parsing
compile3.t      Ensure that touching source template causes re-compilation
compile4.t      Compiling templates to a COMPILE_DIR
compile5.t      Reload templates from a COMPILE_DIR
config.t        Template::Config factory module
context.t       Template::Context module
datafile.t      Datafile plugin (Template::Plugin::Datafile)
date.t          Date plugin (Template::Plugin::Date)
dbi.t           DBI plugin (Template::Plugin::DBI)
directive.t     Directive layout, chomping, comments, etc.
document.t      Template::Document module
dom.t           XML::DOM plugin (Template::Plugin::XML::DOM)
dumper.t        Data::Dumper plugin (Template::Plugin::Data::Dumper)
error.t         Test that errors are reported back to caller as exceptions
evalperl.t      Evaluation of PERL and RAWPERL blocks
exception.t     Template::Exception module
filter.t        FILTER directive and various filters
foreach.t       FOREACH directive
format.t        Format plugin (Template::Plugin::Format)
include.t       INCLUDE and PROCESS directive
iterator.t      Template::Iterator and Iterator plugin modules
list.t          List definition and access via various methods
macro.t         MACRO directive
object.t        Binding objects to template variables
output.t        OUTPUT_PATH and OUTPUT options
parser.t        Template::Parser module
plugins.t       Template::Plugins provider module (incomplete)
process.t       PRE_PROCESS, PROCESS and POST_PROCESS options
provider.t      Template::Provider module
ref.t           Test the \ reference operator (currently undocumented)
rss.t           XML::RSS plugin (Template::Plugin::XML::RSS)
service.t       Template::Service module
skel.t          Skeleton test file.  Copy and edit to create your own tests.
stash.t         Template::Stash module
stop.t          STOP directive and throwing 'stop' exception
switch.t        SWITCH / CASE directives
table.t         Table plugin (Template::Plugin::Table)
tags.t          TAGS directive
template.t      Template front-end module
text.t          Plain text blocks, ensuring all characters are reproducable
try.t           TRY / THROW / CATCH / FINAL directives
url.t           URL plugin (Template::Plugin::URL)
vars.t          Variable usage and GET / SET / CALL / DEFAULT directives
varsv1.t        As above, using version 1 handling of leading '$'
vmeth.t         Virtual scalar/hash/list methods
while.t         WHILE directive
wrap.t          Wrap plugin (Template::Plugin::Wrap)
wrapper.t       WRAPPER directive
xpath.t         XML::XPath plugin (Template::Plugin::XML::XPath)