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WWW::NHKProgram::API - API client for NHK program API


    use WWW::NHKProgram::API;

    my $client = WWW::NHKProgram::API->new(api_key => '__YOUR_API_KEY__');

    # Get program list
    my $program_list = $client->list({
        area    => 130,
        service => 'g1',
        date    => '2014-02-02',

    # Get program list by genre
    my $program_genre = $client->genre({
        area    => 130,
        service => 'g1',
        genre   => '0000',
        date    => '2014-02-02',

    # Get program information
    my $program_info = $client->info({
        area    => 130,
        service => 'g1',
        id      => '2014020334199',

    # Get information of program that is on air now
    my $program_now = $client->now_on_air({
        area    => 130,
        service => 'g1',


WWW::NHKProgram::API is the API client for NHK program API.

Please refer [http://api-portal.nhk.or.jp](http://api-portal.nhk.or.jp)
if you want to get information about NHK program API.


- WWW::NHKProgram::API->new();

    Constructor. You must give API\_KEY through this method.


        my $client = WWW::NHKProgram::API->new(
            api_key => '__YOUR_API_KEY__', # <= MUST!

- $client->list()

    Get program list.

        my $program_list = $client->list({
            area    => 130,
            service => 'g1',
            date    => '2014-02-04',

    And following the same (you must `use utf8;`);

        my $program_list = $client->list({
            area    => '東京',
            service => 'NHK総合1',
            date    => '2014-02-04',

    You can specify Japanese area name and service name as arguments.
    If you want to know more details, please refer to the following;


- $client->genre()

    Get program list by genre.

        my $genre_list = $client->genre({
            area    => 130,
            service => 'g1',
            genre   => '0000',
            date    => '2014-02-04',

    Yes! you can also specify following when you `use utf8`;

        my $genre_list = $client->genre({
            area    => '東京',
            service => 'NHK総合1',
            genre   => '0000',
            date    => '2014-02-04',

- $client->info()

    Get information of program.

        my $program_info = $client->info({
            area    => 130,
            service => 'g1',
            id      => '2014020402027',


        my $program_info = $client->info({
            area    => '東京',
            service => 'NHK総合1',
            id      => '2014020402027',

- $client->now\_on\_air()

    Get information of program that is on air now.

        my $program_now = $client->now_on_air({
            area    => 130,
            service => 'g1',


        my $program_now = $client->now_on_air({
            area    => '東京',
            service => 'NHK総合1',

- $client->list\_raw()
- $client->genre\_raw()
- $client->info\_raw()
- $client->now\_on\_air\_raw()

    Returns raw JSON response of each API.


Tests which are calling web API directly in `xt/webapi`. If you want to run these tests, please execute like so;

    $ NHK_PROGRAM_API_KEY=__YOUR_API_KEY__ prove xt/webapi


Copyright (C) moznion.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


moznion <moznion@gmail.com>