# NAME Plack::I18N - I18N for Plack # SYNOPSIS use Plack::I18N; use Plack::Builder; my $i18n = Plack::I18N->new(lexicon => 'gettext', locale_dir => 'locale/'); builder { enable 'I18N', i18n => $i18n; sub { my $env = shift; my $handle = $env->{'plack.i18n.handle'}; [200, [], [$handle->maketext('Hello')]]; }; }; # DESCRIPTION Plack::I18N is an easy way to add i18n to your application. Plack::I18N supports both [Locale::Maketext](https://metacpan.org/pod/Locale::Maketext) `*.pm` files and `gettext` `*.po` files. Use whatevers suits better. See [https://github.com/vti/plack-i18n/tree/master/examples](https://github.com/vti/plack-i18n/tree/master/examples) directory for both examples. ## Language detection Language detection is done via HTTP headers, session cookies, URL path prefix and so on. See [Plack::Middleware::I18N](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plack::Middleware::I18N) for details. ## `$env` parameters Plack::Middleware::I18N registers the following `$env` parameters: - `plack.i18n` Holds Plack::I18N instance. - `plack.i18n.language` Current detected language. A shortcut for `$env->{'plack.i18n'}->language`. - `plack.i18n.handle` A shortcut for `$env->{'plack.i18n'}->handle($env->{'plack.i18n.language'})`. # METHODS ## `new` Creates new object. Options: - lexicon One of `gettext` or `maketext`. - i18n\_class This is usually `MyApp::I18N`. This class is automatically generated if does not exist. In case of `gettext` `i18n_class` it even doesn't have to be specified. - locale\_dir Directory where translations are stored. - default\_language Default language. `en` by default. - languages Available languages. Automatically detected unless specified. ## `default_language` Returns default language. ## `handle($language)` Returns handle of appropriate language. ## `languages` Returns available languages. # AUTHOR Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi, <viacheslav.t@gmail.com> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2015, Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.