NAME Catmandu::I18N - tools for text localisation SYNOPSIS use Catmandu::Sane; use Catmandu::I18N; my $i = Catmandu::I18N->new( config => { en => [ "Gettext", "/path/to/en.po" ], nl => [ "Gettext", "/path/to/nl.po" ] } ); $i->t( "my-lang", "my-key" ); $i->t( "my-lang", "my-key2", "arg-1", "arg-2" ); CONSTRUCTOR ARGUMENTS config Configuration for Locale::Maketext. Must be either: * hash reference * string (e.g. "i18n") When the config is a string, it is interpreted as the path to the I18N configuration in Catmandu config. Required on_failure What to do when a lookup does not give a result. Possible values: * "undef" : return undef * "auto" : return key itself. Always a result. * "die" : die Default: "undef" Note: "undef" should be a string, as opposed to undef. fallback_languages array of fallback language codes * must be array reference * default is [ "i-default","en","en-US" ] as determined by Locale::Maketext When Locale::Maketext does not find the specified language in your config, it will fallback to one of these, and then load the handle for that. Only if that fallback language does not exist in the config, will it fail. Example 1: fallback_languages is [ "en" ] you have only language "en" in your config, but you request language "nl", then you'll get the message in English. Example 2: fallback_languages is [ "en" ] you have only language "nl" in your config, but you request language "fr", then the creation of the message will fail You can set this to an empty array for consistent behaviour. NOTES * the lexicon implementation determines the format of the message. e.g. only Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::Gettext supports placeholders like %1. For other implementations you need to use placeholders like [_1] AUTHORS Nicolas Franck <nicolas.franck at> SEE ALSO Catmandu::Fix::i18n, Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::CatmanduConfig, Catmandu, Locale::Maketext LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.