NAME Activiti::Rest::Client - Low level client for the Activiti Rest API AUTHORS Nicolas Franck "<nicolas.franck at>" NOTE This is a work in progress. More documentation will be added in time PROJECT see SYNOPSIS my $client = Activiti::Rest::Client->new( url => 'http://kermit:kermit@localhost:8080/activiti-rest/service' ); my $res = $client->process_definitions; die("no parsed content") unless $res->has_parsed_content; my $pdefs = $res->parsed_content; my @ids = map { $_->{id} } @{ $pdefs->{data} }; for my $id(@ids){ print Dumper($client->process_definition(processDefinitionId => $id)->parsed_content); } CONSTRUCTOR parameters url base url of the activiti rest api activiti-rest uses basic http authentication, so username and password should be included in the url e.g. http://kermit:kermit@localhost:8080/activiti-rest/service METHODS deployments Retrieve list of Deployments parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: GET repository/deployments deployment Get a deployment parameters: deploymentId other parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: GET repository/deployments/:deploymentId deployment_resources List resources in a deployment parameters: deploymentId other parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: GET repository/deployments/:deploymentId/resources deployment_resource Get a deployment resource parameters: deploymentId resourceId other parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: GET repository/deployments/:deploymentId/resources/:resourceId process_definitions List of process definitions parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: GET repository/process-definitions process_definition Get a process definition parameters: processDefinitionId other parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: GET repository/process-definitions/:processDefinitionId process_definition_resource_data Get a process definition resource content parameters: processDefinitionId equal to rest call: GET repository/process-definitions/:processDefinitionId/resourcedata process_definition_model Get a process definition BPMN model parameters: processDefinitionId equal to rest call: GET repository/process-definitions/:processDefinitionId/model process_definition_identity_links Get all candidate starters for a process-definition parameters: processDefinitionId equal to rest call: GET repository/process-definitions/:processDefinitionId/identitylinks process_definition_identity_link Get a candidate starter from a process definition parameters: (see processDefinitionId family identityId equal to rest call: GET repository/process-definitions/:processDefinitionId/identitylinks/:family/:identityId models Get a list of models Parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: GET repository/models models Get a model Parameters: modelId equal to rest call: GET repository/models/:modelId process_instances List of process instances Parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: GET runtime/process-instances process_instance Get a process instance Parameters: processInstanceId equal to rest call: GET runtime/process-instances/:processInstanceId query_process_instances Query process instances Parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: POST runtime/process-instances start_process_instance Start a process instance Parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: POST runtime/process-instances process_instance_identitylinks Get involved people for process instance Parameters: processInstanceId equal to rest call: GET runtime/process-instances/:processInstanceId/identitylinks process_instance_variables List of variables for a process instance Parameters: processInstanceId equal to rest call: GET runtime/process-instances/:processInstanceId/variables process_instance_variable Get a variable for a process instance Parameters: processInstanceId variableName equal to rest call: GET runtime/process-instances/:processInstanceId/variables/:variableName process_instance_diagram Get a diagram for a process instance Parameters: processInstanceId equal to rest call: GET runtime/process-instances/:processInstanceId/diagram when successfull the "content_type" of the response is "image/png" and "content" is equal to the image data executions List of executions Parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: GET repository/executions execution Get an execution Parameters: executionId equal to rest call: GET repository/executions/:executionId execution_activities Get active activities in an execution Parameters: executionId equal to rest call: GET repository/executions/:executionId/activities execution_variables List of variables for an execution Parameters: executionId equal to rest call: GET repository/executions/:executionId/variables tasks List of tasks Parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: GET runtime/tasks query_tasks Query for tasks Parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: POST query/tasks task Get a task Parameters: taskId equal to rest call: GET runtime/tasks/:taskId update_task Update a task Parameters: taskId Body parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: PUT runtime/tasks/:taskId task_variables Get all variables for a task Parameters: taskId scope (global|local) equal to rest call: GET runtime/tasks/:taskId/variables?scope=:scope task_variable Get one variable for a task Parameters: taskId scope (global|local) equal to rest call: GET runtime/tasks/:taskId/variables/:variableName?scope=:scope task_identity_links Get all identity links for a task Parameters: taskId equal to rest call: GET runtime/tasks/:taskId/identitylinks task_identity_links_users task_identity_links_groups Get all identity links for a task for either groups or users Parameters: taskId equal to rest call: GET runtime/tasks/:taskId/identitylinks/(users|groups) task_comments Get all comments on a task Parameters: taskId equal to rest call: GET runtime/tasks/:taskId/comments task_comment Get a comments on a task Parameters: taskId commentId equal to rest call: GET runtime/tasks/:taskId/comments/:commentId task_events Get all events for a task Parameters: taskId equal to rest call: GET runtime/tasks/:taskId/events task_event Get an event for a task Parameters: taskId eventId equal to rest call: GET runtime/tasks/:taskId/events/:eventId task_attachments Get all attachments on a task Parameters: taskId equal to rest call: GET runtime/tasks/:taskId/attachments task_attachment Get an attachment on a task Parameters: taskId attachmentId equal to rest call: GET runtime/tasks/:taskId/comments/:attachmentId task_attachment_content Get the content for an attachment on a task Parameters: taskId attachmentId equal to rest call: GET runtime/tasks/:taskId/attachments/:attachmentId/content historic_process_instances List of historic process instances Parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: GET history/historic-process-instances query_historic_process_instances Query for historic process instances Parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: POST history/historic-process-instances historic_process_instance Get a historic process instance Parameters: processInstanceId equal to rest call: GET history/historic-process-instances/:processInstanceId delete_historic_process_instance Delete a historic process instance Parameters: processInstanceId equal to rest call: DELETE history/historic-process-instances/:processInstanceId historic_process_instance_comments Get all comments on a historic process instance Parameters: processInstanceId equal to rest call: GET history/historic-process-instances/:processInstanceId/comments historic_process_instance_comment Get a comment on a historic process instance Parameters: processInstanceId commentId equal to rest call: GET history/historic-process-instances/:processInstanceId/comments/:commentId historic_task_instances Get historic task instances Parameters: see user guide ( equal to rest call: GET history/historic-task-instances historic_task_instance Get a historic task instance Parameters: taskId equal to rest call: GET history/historic-task-instances/:taskId historic_task_instance_identity_links Get the identity links of a historic task instance Parameters: taskId equal to rest call: GET history/historic-task-instances/:taskId/identitylinks LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See <> for more information.