Cinnamon - A minimalistic deploy tool


    use strict;
    use warnings;

    # Exports some commands
    use Cinnamon::DSL;

    my $application = 'My::App';

    # It's required if you want to login to remote host
    set user => 'johndoe';

    # User defined params to use later
    set application => $application;
    set repository  => "git://git.example.com/projects/$application";

    # Lazily evaluated if passed as a code
    set lazy_value  => sub {

    # Roles
    role development => 'development.example.com', {
        deploy_to => "/home/app/www/$application-devel",
        branch    => "develop",

    # Lazily evaluated if passed as a code
    role production  => sub {
        my $res   = LWP::UserAgent->get('http://servers.example.com/api/hosts');
        my $hosts = decode_json $res->content;
    }, {
        deploy_to => "/home/app/www/$application",
        branch    => "master",

    # Tasks
    task update => sub {
        my ($host) = @_;
        my $deploy_to = get('deploy_to');
        my $branch = 'origin/' . get('branch');

        # Executed on localhost
        run 'some', 'command';

        # Executed on remote host
        remote {
            run "cd $deploy_to && git fetch origin && git checkout -q $branch && git submodule update --init";
        } $host;
    task restart => sub {
      my ($host) = @_;
      # ...

    # Nest tasks
    task server => {
        setup => sub {
            my ($host) = @_;
            # ...

    # You can call other tasks
    task deploy => sub {
      my ($host) = @_;
      call "update", $host;
      call "restart", $host;


This software is under the heavy development and considered ALPHA quality.  Things might be broken, not all features have been implemented, and APIs will be likely to change.


Cinnamon is a minimalistic deploy tool aiming to provide
structurization of issues about deployment. It only introduces the
most essential feature for deployment and a few utilities.

# DSLs

This module provides some DSLs for use. I designed them to be kept as
simple as possible, and I don't want to add too many commands:

## Structural Commands

### role ( _$role: Str_ => (_$host: String_ | _$hosts: Array\[String\]_ | _$sub: CODE_), _$param: HASHREF_ )

>     role production => 'production.example.com';
>     # or
>     role production => [ qw(production1.example.com production2.exampl.ecom) ];
>      # or
>     role production => sub {
>         my $res   = LWP::UserAgent->get('http://servers.example.com/api/hosts');
>         my $hosts = decode_json $res->content;
>            $hosts;
>     };
>     # or
>     role production => 'production.example.com', {
>         hoge => 'fuga',
>     };
> Relates names (eg. production) to hosts to be deployed.
> If you pass a CODE as the second argument, this method delays the
> value to be evaluated till the value is needed at the first time. This
> is useful, for instance, when you want to retrieve hosts information
> from some external APIs or so.
> If you pass a HASHREF as the third argument, you can get specified
> parameters by get DSL.

### task ( _$taskname: Str_ => (_\\%tasks: Hash\[String =_ CODE\]> | _$sub: CODE_) )

    task update => sub {
        my ($host) = @_;
        my $hoge = get 'hoge'; # parameter set in global or role parameter
        # ...

    # you can nest tasks
    task server => {
        start => sub {
          my ($host) = @_;
          # ...
        stop => sub {
          my ($host) = @_;
          # ...

Defines some named tasks by CODEs.

The arguments which are passed into the CODEs are:

- _$host_

    The host name where the task is executed. Which is one of the hosts
    you set by `role` command.

## Utilities

### set ( _$key: String_ => (_$value: Any_ | _$sub: CODE_) )

>     set key => 'value';
>     # or
>     set key => sub {
>         # values to be lazily evaluated
>     };
>     # or
>     set key => sub {
>         my (@args) = @_;
>         # value to be lazily evaluated with @args
>     };
> Sets a value which is related to a key.
> If you pass a CODE as the second argument, this method delays the
> value to be evaluated till `get` is called. This is useful when you
> want to retrieve hosts information from some external APIs or so.

### get ( _$key: String_ \[, _@args: Array\[Any\]_ \] ): Any

>     my $value = get 'key';
>     # or
>     my $value = get key => qw(foo bar baz);
> Gets a value related to the key.
> If the value is a CODE, you can pass some arguments which can be used
> while evaluating.

### run ( _@command: Array_ ): ( _$stdout: String_, _$stderr: String_ )

>     my ($stdout, $stdout) = run 'git', 'pull';
> Executes a command. It returns the result of execution, `$stdout` and
> `$stderr`, as strings.

### sudo ( _@command: Array_ ): ( _$stdout: String_, _$stderr: String_ )

>     my ($stdout, $stdout) = sudo '/path/to/httpd', 'restart';
> Executes a command as well, but under _sudo_ environment.

### remote ( _$sub: CODE_ _$host: String_ ): Any

>     my ($stdout, $stdout) = remote {
>         run  'git', 'pull';
>         sudo '/path/to/httpd', 'restart';
>     } $host;

Connects to the remote `$host` and executes the `$code` there.

Where `run` and `sudo` commands to be executed depends on that
context. They are done on the remote host when set in `remote` block,
whereas done on localhost without it.

Remote login username is retrieved by `get 'user'` or `` `whoami` ``
command. Set appropriate username in advance if needed.

### call ( _$task\_name: String_, _$host: String_ )

>     task deploy => sub {
>       my ($host) = @_;
>       call "update", $host;
>       call "web:restart", $host;
>     };

Call other tasks in a task code.

## Configuration Variables

Cinnamon configuration is managed by set function.  You can customize following variables.

### user

user name which is used for login to server.

### concurrency

Max number of concurrent execution of tasks.  the task which is not specified concurrency, is executed in parallel by all the hosts.

>     set concurrency => {
>         restart        => 1,
>         'server:setup' => 2,
>     };




- Kentaro Kuribayashi <kentarok@gmail.com>
- Yuki Shibazaki <shibayu36 at gmail.com>


- Tutorial (Japanese)


- [capistrano](https://metacpan.org/pod/capistrano)
- [Archer](https://metacpan.org/pod/Archer)


Copyright (C) Kentaro Kuribayashi

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.