Cinnamon - A minimalistic deploy tool

      use strict;
      use warnings;

      # Exports some commands
      use Cinnamon::DSL;

      my $application = 'My::App';

      # It's required if you want to login to remote host
      set user => 'johndoe';

      # User defined params to use later
      set application => $application;
      set repository  => "git://$application";

      # Lazily evaluated if passed as a code
      set lazy_value  => sub {

      # Roles
      role development => '', {
          deploy_to => "/home/app/www/$application-devel",
          branch    => "develop",

      # Lazily evaluated if passed as a code
      role production  => sub {
          my $res   = LWP::UserAgent->get('');
          my $hosts = decode_json $res->content;
      }, {
          deploy_to => "/home/app/www/$application",
          branch    => "master",

      # Tasks
      task update => sub {
          my ($host, @args) = @_;
          my $deploy_to = get('deploy_to');
          my $branch = 'origin/' . get('branch');

          # Executed on localhost
          run 'some', 'command';

          # Executed on remote host
          remote {
              run "cd $deploy_to && git fetch origin && git checkout -q $branch && git submodule update --init";
          } $host;
      task restart => sub {
        my ($host, @args) = @_;
        # ...

      # Nest tasks
      task server => {
          setup => sub {
              my ($host, @args) = @_;
              # ...

    This software is under the heavy development and considered ALPHA
    quality. Things might be broken, not all features have been implemented,
    and APIs will be likely to change.

    Cinnamon is a minimalistic deploy tool aiming to provide structurization
    of issues about deployment. It only introduces the most essential
    feature for deployment and a few utilities.

    This module provides some DSLs for use. I designed them to be kept as
    simple as possible, and I don't want to add too many commands:

  Structural Commands
   role ( *$role: Str* => (*$host: String* | *$hosts: Array[String]* | *$sub: CODE*), *$param: HASHREF* )
          role production => '';

          # or

          role production => [ qw( production2.exampl.ecom) ];

           # or

          role production => sub {
              my $res   = LWP::UserAgent->get('');
              my $hosts = decode_json $res->content;

          # or

          role production => '', {
              hoge => 'fuga',

        Relates names (eg. production) to hosts to be deployed.

        If you pass a CODE as the second argument, this method delays the
        value to be evaluated till the value is needed at the first time.
        This is useful, for instance, when you want to retrieve hosts
        information from some external APIs or so.

        If you pass a HASHREF as the third argument, you can get specified
        parameters by get DSL.

   task ( *$taskname: Str* => (*\%tasks: Hash[String =* CODE]> | *$sub: CODE*) )
          task update => sub {
              my ($host, @args) = @_;
              my $hoge = get 'hoge'; # parameter set in global or role parameter
              # ...

          # you can nest tasks
          task server => {
              start => sub {
                my ($host, @args) = @_;
                # ...
              stop => sub {
                my ($host, @args) = @_;
                # ...

        Defines some named tasks by CODEs.

        The arguments which are passed into the CODEs are:

        *   *$host*

            The host name where the task is executed. Which is one of the
            hosts you set by "role" command.

        *   *@args*

            Command line argument which is passed by user.

              $ cinammon production update foo bar baz

            In case above, @args contains "('foo', 'bar', 'baz')".

   set ( *$key: String* => (*$value: Any* | *$sub: CODE*) )
          set key => 'value';

          # or

          set key => sub {
              # values to be lazily evaluated

          # or

          set key => sub {
              my (@args) = @_;
              # value to be lazily evaluated with @args

        Sets a value which is related to a key.

        If you pass a CODE as the second argument, this method delays the
        value to be evaluated till "get" is called. This is useful when you
        want to retrieve hosts information from some external APIs or so.

   get ( *$key: String* [, *@args: Array[Any]* ] ): Any
          my $value = get 'key';

          # or

          my $value = get key => qw(foo bar baz);

        Gets a value related to the key.

        If the value is a CODE, you can pass some arguments which can be
        used while evaluating.

   run ( *@command: Array* ): ( *$stdout: String*, *$stderr: String* )
          my ($stdout, $stdout) = run 'git', 'pull';

        Executes a command. It returns the result of execution, $stdout and
        $stderr, as strings.

   sudo ( *@command: Array* ): ( *$stdout: String*, *$stderr: String* )
          my ($stdout, $stdout) = sudo '/path/to/httpd', 'restart';

        Executes a command as well, but under *sudo* environment.

   remote ( *$sub: CODE* *$host: String* ): Any
          my ($stdout, $stdout) = remote {
              run  'git', 'pull';
              sudo '/path/to/httpd', 'restart';
          } $host;

        Connects to the remote $host and executes the $code there.

        Where "run" and "sudo" commands to be executed depends on that
        context. They are done on the remote host when set in "remote"
        block, whereas done on localhost without it.

        Remote login username is retrieved by "get 'user'" or `whoami`
        command. Set appropriate username in advance if needed.


    *   Kentaro Kuribayashi <>

    *   Yuki Shibazaki <shibayu36 at>

    *   Tutorial (Japanese)


    *   capistrano

    *   Archer

    Copyright (C) Kentaro Kuribayashi

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.