Crypt::Primes - Provable Prime Number Generator suitable for
    Cryptographic Applications.

        # generate a random, provable 512-bit prime.

        use Crypt::Primes qw(maurer);
        my $prime = maurer (Size => 512); 

        # generate a random, provable 2048-bit prime and report 
        # progress on console.  

        my $another_prime = maurer ( 
                             Size => 2048, 
                             Verbosity => 1 

        # generate a random 1024-bit prime and a group 
        # generator of Z*(n).

        my $hash_ref = maurer ( 
                        Size => 1024, 
                        Generator => 1, 
                        Verbosity => 1

    The codebase is stable, but the API will most definitely change in a
    future release.

    This module implements Ueli Maurer's algorithm for generating large
    *provable* primes and secure parameters for public-key cryptosystems.
    The generated primes are almost uniformly distributed over the set of
    primes of the specified bitsize and expected time for generation is less
    than the time required for generating a pseudo-prime of the same size
    with Miller-Rabin tests. Detailed description and running time analysis
    of the algorithm can be found in Maurer's paper[1].

    Crypt::Primes is a pure perl implementation. It uses Math::Pari for
    multiple precision integer arithmetic and number theoretic functions.
    Random numbers are gathered with Crypt::Random, a perl interface to
    /dev/u?random devices found on most modern Unix operating systems.

    The following functions are available for import. They must be
    explicitly imported.

        Generates a prime number of the specified bitsize. Takes a hash as
        parameter and returns a Math::Pari object (prime number) or a hash
        reference (prime number and generator) when group generator
        computation is requested. Following hash keys are understood:

        Bitsize of the required prime number.

        Level of verbosity of progress reporting. Report is printed on
        STDOUT. Level of 1 indicates normal, terse reporting. Level of 2
        prints lots of intermediate computations, useful for debugging.

        When Generator key is set to a non-zero value, a group generator of
        Z*(n) is computed. Group generators are required key material in
        public-key cryptosystems like Elgamal and Diffie-Hellman that are
        based on intractability of the discrete logarithm problem. When this
        option is present, maurer() returns a hash reference that contains
        two keys, Prime and Generator.

        When set to 1, maurer() stores intermediate primes in a class array,
        and ensures they are not used during construction of primes in the
        future calls to maurer() with Reprime => 1. This is used by

        When set to 1, maurer() returns a hash reference that contains
        (corresponding to the key 'Intermediates') a reference to an array
        of intermediate primes generated.

        When set to 1, maurer() returns a hash reference that contains
        (corresponding to the key 'Factors') a reference to an array of
        factors of p-1 where p is the prime generated, and also
        (corresponding to the key 'R') a divisor of p.

        Generates two primes (p,q) and public exponent (e) of a RSA key
        pair. The key pair generated with this method is resistant to
        iterative encryption attack. See Appendix 2 of [1] for more

        rsaparams() takes the same arguments as maurer() with the exception
        of `Generator' and `Relprime'. Size specifies the common bitsize of
        p an q. Returns a hash reference with keys p, q and e.

        Performs trial division on $n to ensure it's not divisible by any
        prime smaller than or equal to $limit. The module maintains a lookup
        table of primes (from 2 to 65521) for this purpose. If $limit is not
        provided, a suitable value is computed automatically. trialdiv() is
        used by maurer() to weed out composite random numbers before
        performing computationally intensive modular exponentiation tests.
        It is, however, documented should you need to use it directly.

    This module implements a modified FastPrime, as described in [1], to
    facilitate group generator computation. (Refer to [1] and [2] for
    description and pseudo-code of FastPrime). The modification involves
    introduction of an additional constraint on relative size r of q. While
    computing r, we ensure k * r is always greater than maxfact, where
    maxfact is the bitsize of the largest number we can factor easily. This
    value defaults to 140 bits. As a result, R is always smaller than
    maxfact, which allows us to get a complete factorization of 2Rq and use
    it to find a generator of the cyclic group Z*(2Rq).

    Crypt::Primes generates 512-bit primes in 7 seconds (on average), and
    1024-bit primes in 37 seconds (on average), on my PII 300 Mhz notebook.
    There are no computational limits by design; primes up to 8192-bits were
    generated to stress test the code. For detailed runtime analysis see

    largeprimes(1), Crypt::Random(3), Math::Pari(3)

    1 Fast Generation of Prime Numbers and Secure Public-Key Cryptographic
    Parameters, Ueli Maurer (1994).
    2 Corrections to Fast Generation of Prime Numbers and Secure Public-Key
    Cryptographic Parameters, Ueli Maurer (1996).
    3 Handbook of Applied Cryptography by Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot and
    Scott Vanstone (1997).
    Documents 1 & 2 can be found under docs/ of the source distribution.

    Vipul Ved Prakash, <>

    Copyright (c) 1998-2001, Vipul Ved Prakash. All rights reserved. This
    code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as Perl itself.

    Maurer's algorithm generates primes of progressively larger bitsize
    using a recursive construction method. The algorithm enters recursion
    with a prime number and bitsize of the next prime to be generated.
    (Bitsizes of the intermediate primes are computed using a probability
    distribution that ensures generated primes are sufficiently random.)
    This recursion can be distributed over multiple machines, participating
    in a competitive computation model, to achieve close to best running
    time of the algorithm. Support for this will be implemented some day,
    possibly when the next version of Penguin hits CPAN.