NAME Types::RENEEB - Several predefined Type::Tiny types VERSION version 0.09 SYNOPSIS package TypesTest; use strict; use warnings; use Moo; use Types::RENEEB qw( DistName DistVersion OTRSVersion OTRSVersionWildcard ); has distname => ( is => 'ro', isa => DistName ); has distversion => ( is => 'ro', isa => DistVersion ); has otrs_version => ( is => 'ro', isa => OTRSVersion ); sub check_otrs_version { OTRSVersion->('2.0.0'); } sub check_otrs_version { OTRSVersion->('2.0.x'); } 1; DESCRIPTION Types::RENEEB is a collection of types I need very often MODULES These Types:: modules are shipped in this distribution: * Types::Dist * Types::OTRS Types::RENEEB inherits the types of the mentioned modules. Types::Dist DistFQ DistName-DistVersion package MyClass; use Moo; use Types::Dist qw(DistName); has dist => ( is => 'ro', isa => DistName ); 1; And then use your class: my $object = MyClass->new( dist => 'Types-RENEEB-0.09' ); my $object = MyClass->new( dist => '0.09' ); # fails my $object = MyClass->new( dist => 'Types-RENEEB' ); # fails DistName A name of a distribution my $object = MyClass->new( dist => 'Types-RENEEB' ); # ok DistVersion A version of a distribution my $object = MyClass->new( dist => '0.09' ); # ok CPANfile An instance of Module::CPANfile package MyClass; use Moo; use Types::Dist qw(CPANfile); has prereqs => ( is => 'ro', isa => CPANfile, coerce => 1 ); 1; And then use your class: my $object = MyClass->new( prereqs => '/path/to/cpanfile' ); my @features = $object->prereqs->features; # call features method from Module::CPANfile Types::OTRS OTRSVersion An OTRS version looks like 2.4.5 or 6.0.1. OTRSVersionWildcard An OTRS version with wildcard as used in Addons. To define a version of the OTRS framework that is needed to install the addon, the developer can use 'x' as a wildcard. E.g. Addons for OTRS 6.x can be installed on any OTRS 6 installation, whilst addons that define 2.4.x as the framework version can only installed on any OTRS 2.4 installation, but not on OTRS 2.3 installation. OPMFile An object of OTRS::OPM::Parser. It checks if the file exists and can be parsed without an error. COERCIONS OPMFile * From String to OTRS::OPM::Parser When a string is given, it is coerced into an OTRS::OPM::Parser object. AUTHOR Renee Baecker <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2019 by Renee Baecker. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)