NAME Geo::Address::Mail::Standardizer::USPS - Offline implementation of USPS Postal Addressing Standards SYNOPSIS This module provides an offline implementation of the USPS Publication 28 - Postal Addressing Standards as defined by my $std = Geo::Address::Mail::Standardizer::USPS->new; my $address = Geo::Address::Mail::US->new( name => 'Test Testerson', street => '123 Test Street', street2 => 'Apartment #2', city => 'Testville', state => 'TN', postal_code => '12345' ); my $res = $std->standardize($address); my $corr = $res->standardized_address; WARNING This module is not a complete implementation of USPS Publication 28. It intends to be, but that will probably take a while. AUTHOR Cory G Watson, C<< <gphat at> >> COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2010 Cory G Watson. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.