# NAME Text::ANSI::Fold::Util - Text::ANSI::Fold utilities # SYNOPSIS use Text::ANSI::Fold::Util qw(:all); use Text::ANSI::Fold::Util qw(ansi_width ansi_substr); ansi_width($text); ansi_substr($text, $offset, $width [, $replacement]); use Text::ANSI::Fold::Util; Text::ANSI::Fold::Util::width($text); Text::ANSI::Fold::Util::substr($text, ...); # DESCRIPTION This is a collection of utilities using Text::ANSI::Fold module. # FUNCTION There are exportable functions start with **ansi\_** prefix, and unexportable functions without them. - **width**(_text_) - **ansi\_width**(_text_) Returns visual width of given text. - **substr**(_text_, _offset_, _width_ \[, _replacement_\]) - **ansi\_substr**(_text_, _offset_, _width_ \[, _replacement_\]) Returns substring just like Perl's **substr** function, but string position is calculated by the visible width on the screen instead of number of characters. If an optional _replacemnt_ parameter is given, replace the substring by the replacement and return the entire string. It does not cut the text in the middle of multi-byte character, of course. Its behavior depends on the implementation of lower module. # SEE ALSO [Text::ANSI::Fold](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::ANSI::Fold) # LICENSE Copyright (C) 2020 Kazumasa Utashiro. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Kazumasa Utashiro <kaz@utashiro.com>