NAME DBIx::Migration - Seamless DB schema up- and downgrades SYNOPSIS # my $m = DBIx::Migration->new( { dsn => 'dbi:SQLite:/Users/sri/myapp/db/sqlite/myapp.db', dir => '/Users/sri/myapp/db/sqlite' } ); my $version = $m->version; # Get current version from database $m->migrate(2); # Migrate database to version 2 # /Users/sri/myapp/db/sqlite/schema_1_up.sql CREATE TABLE foo ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, bar TEXT ); # /Users/sri/myapp/db/sqlite/schema_1_down.sql DROP TABLE foo; # /Users/sri/myapp/db/sqlite/schema_2_up.sql CREATE TABLE bar ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, baz TEXT ); # /Users/sri/myapp/db/sqlite/schema_2_down.sql DROP TABLE bar; DESCRIPTION Seamless DB schema up- and downgrades. METHODS $self->debug($debug) Enable/Disable debug messages. $self->dir($dir) Get/Set directory. $self->dsn($dsn) Get/Set dsn. $self->dbh($dsn) Get/Set dbh. $self->migrate($version) Migrate database to version. $self->password Get/Set database password. $self->username($username) Get/Set database username. $self->version Get migration version from database. Will be undef if no migration has taken place yet. AUTHOR Sebastian Riedel, <> CONTRIBUTORS Dan Sully, <> Marcus Ramberg, <> Steven Jenkin, <> Sven Willenbuecher, <> COPYRIGHT This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.