#! /usr/local/bin/perl use strict; BEGIN { *gettimeofday = eval { require Time::HiRes } ? \&Time::HiRes::gettimeofday : sub { (time, 0) }; } use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::config qw(bundling no_getopt_compat); my( $opt, @opt, %opt, @kill ); sub opt($$) { push @opt, "-$_[0]$_[1]" } sub p_args { for( $ENV{"P_ARGS_$_[0]"} ) { defined or die "$0: \$P_ARGS_$_[0] not set\n"; push @ARGV, split } } GetOptions \%opt, qw'a b=s C d D=f e E f F I j k+ l L N P S T v w W', 'i' => sub { push @opt, '-u', $< }, 'K=s' => \@kill, 'o=s' => sub { push @opt, ($_[1] =~ /\bpid\b/) ? "-o$_[1]" : "-opid,$_[1]" }, 'p=s' => \&opt, 'r' => sub { push @opt, '-uroot' }, 't=s' => \&opt, 'u=s' => \&opt, 0 => sub { push @ARGV, '-fwdD0' }, 1 => sub { push @ARGV, '-fwd' }, 2 => sub { push @ARGV, '-fFw' }, map( ($_ => \&p_args), 3..9 ), 'help|?' => sub { print STDERR <<'EOF'; exit }; usage: p[ -aefIjlLrkdv -o<opt> -u<user> -p<pid> -t<tty> -K<sig> -D<seconds> -b<bsdopt>][ regexp ...] -i show my processes -r show root processes -k kill, repeat suppresses question -K kill with signal, can be repeated and -k suppresses question -C sorted by CPU -E sorted by executing command -F sorted by father process, shown as a tree, can be combined with other sort -I sorted by process ID -N sorted by nice -P sorted by prio -S sorted by size -T sorted by start time -d diff (default: every second) -D diff or loop time interval -v vice versa, show processes not matching regexps -b call bsd/ucb ps with bsd options -w cut to $COLUMNS (default 132) -0 -fwdD0 (0secs) -1 -fwd (1sec) -2 -fFw (tree 2 width) -3..-9 $P_ARGS_3..$P_ARGS_9 EOF push @opt, "-$opt" if $opt = join '', grep $opt{$_}, qw'a e f j l L'; my $optD = defined( $opt{D} ) ? $opt{D} : 1; $opt{w} &&= $ENV{COLUMNS} || 132 and $ENV{COLUMNS} = $opt{w} + 4; # Gnu ps does less than COLUMNS :-( my $re = 0; if( @ARGV ) { local $" = '|'; $re = qr/@ARGV/; } my $linux = 'linux' eq $^O; my( $pidcol, $ppidcol, $delcol, $sortcol, $cmdcol, @ps, %prefix ); my $cmd = 'ps'; if( $opt{b} ) { $cmd = '/usr/ucb/ps' unless $linux; @opt = $linux ? $opt{b} : "-$opt{b}"; } sub outputlist { if( $opt{F} ) { my( $thread, @ret, %val, %father, %children ) = ('a', ''); for( @ps ) { my $pid = int substr $_, $pidcol; my $ppid = int substr $_, $ppidcol; $pid .= $thread++ if exists $val{$pid}; # Multiple threads can have same pid. $val{$pid} = $_; next if $pid == $ppid; # On many systems 0 has a father 0. $father{$pid} = $ppid; $children{$ppid} ||= []; push @{$children{$ppid}}, $pid; } my $children; $children = sub { my( $mark, @ps ) = @_; my $n = @ps; for( $sortcol > 0 ? sort { substr( $val{$a}, $sortcol ) cmp substr $val{$b}, $sortcol } @ps : sort { $val{$a} cmp $val{$b} } @ps ) { --$n; substr( $val{$_}, $cmdcol, 0 ) = substr( $mark, 0, -2 ).'+ ' if $mark; push @ret, $opt{d} ? substr( $val{$_}, -2 ) . substr( $val{$_}, 0, -2 ) : $val{$_}; if( $children{$_} && @{$children{$_}} ) { substr( $mark, -2, 1 ) = $n ? '|' : ' ' if $mark; &$children( "$mark| ", @{$children{$_}} ); } } }; &$children( '', grep !exists( $val{$father{$_}} ), keys %val ); @ret; } elsif( $opt{d} ) { map substr( $_, -2 ) . substr( $_, 0, -2 ), $sortcol > 0 ? sort { substr( $a, $sortcol ) cmp substr $b, $sortcol } @ps : sort @ps; } else { $sortcol > 0 ? sort { substr( $a, $sortcol ) cmp substr $b, $sortcol } @ps : sort @ps; } } sub output { if( $opt{w} ) { join '', map { $opt{w} < length && substr $_, $opt{w}, -1, ''; $_ } &outputlist; } else { join '', &outputlist; } } my( $lastoutput, @otime, @time, $odelta, $head, $ok, $pid, %oldps ) = ''; $odelta = 0, @otime = gettimeofday if $optD; AGAIN: # 5.8.0: my $ps = open PS, '-|', $cmd, @opt; my $ps = open PS, '-|' or exec $cmd, @opt; AGAIN0: my $found = 2; if( @time ) { <PS>; } else { $head = <PS>; $delcol = index $head, ' C '; # This is a heuristic for wide PIDs, on such a system ours is likely greater $pidcol = index $head, $$ > 32767 ? ' PID' : ' PID'; $ppidcol = index $head, $$ > 32767 ? ' PPID' : ' PPID' if $opt{F}; $head =~ s/ C //; $cmdcol = index $head, 'CMD'; $cmdcol = index $head, 'COMMAND' if $cmdcol == -1; $sortcol = $opt{E} ? $cmdcol : $opt{I} ? $pidcol : index $head, $opt{C} ? ($linux ? ' TIME' : ' TIME') : $opt{T} ? ($linux ? 'STIME' : ' STIME') : $opt{W} ? ($linux ? 'WCHAN' : ' WCHAN') : $opt{S} ? ($linux ? 'DR SZ ' : ' SZ') : $opt{P} ? ' PRI ' : $opt{N} ? ' NI ' : ''; die "p: requested sort column not found\n" if $sortcol < 0; } @ps = grep { $ok = 1; s! inet(/\d+)!" in$1" . (' ' x (5 - length $1))!e; if( $found ) { $pid = int substr $_, $pidcol; $found--, $ok = 0 if $pid == $$ || $pid == $ps; } $ok = $opt{v} ? ($_ !~ $re) : ($_ =~ $re) if $re && $ok; substr( $_, $delcol, 3 ) = '' if $ok && $delcol > 0; unless( $linux ) { # move time which overlaps into the command field forward my $cor = $cmdcol - 1; s/^(.{$cor}([:\d]+))/ my $s = $1; $cor = ' ' x length $2; $s =~ s!(.*)$cor!$1!; $s /e; } $ok; } <PS>; if( $opt{d} || defined $opt{D} ) { close PS; if( !$optD ) { # on 0 delay fire next subprocess asap $ps = open PS, '-|' or exec $cmd, @opt; } if( $opt{d} ) { my %ps; $ps{int substr $_, $pidcol} = $_ for @ps; if( %oldps ) { # previous round output something my $prevpid = -1; @ps = (); for( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %ps, keys %oldps ) { next if $prevpid == $_; if( $ps{$_} ) { next if $ps{$_} eq $oldps{$_}; # Tack prefix onto end, to keep columns straight, fix it in output. push @ps, $ps{$_} . ($oldps{$_} ? ' ' : '+ '); } else { push @ps, "$oldps{$_}- "; } $prevpid = $_; } } else { $_ .= ' ' for @ps; } if( @ps ) { if( @time ) { printf '*** ' . substr( localtime $time[0], 4, 15 ) . ".%06d ***\n%s", $time[1], &output; } else { print ' ' . $head . &output; } } %oldps = %ps; } elsif( @ps ) { # found some my $output = &output; if( $output ne $lastoutput ) { if( @time ) { printf '*** ' . substr( localtime $time[0], 4, 15 ) . ".%06d ***\n%s", $time[1], $output; } else { print $head . $output; } $lastoutput = $output; } } if( $optD ) { $odelta += $optD; # Calculate delta against otime, so as to not cumulate imprecision. @time = gettimeofday; select undef, undef, undef, $odelta + $otime[0] - $time[0] + ($otime[1] - $time[1]) / 1_000_000; @time = gettimeofday; goto AGAIN; } else { @time = gettimeofday; goto AGAIN0; } } exit unless @ps; # normal single shot operation print $head . &output; if( $opt{k} || @kill ) { my @pids = map { int substr $_, $pidcol } @ps; my $kill = ($opt{k} > 1 or $opt{k} && @kill); unless( $kill ) { local $| = 1; $kill = join ' -', '', @kill; print "kill$kill @pids? "; $kill = (<STDIN> =~ /^[jy]/); # Esperanto and English } if( $kill ) { @kill = 15 unless @kill; kill $_ => @pids for @kill; goto AGAIN; } } __END__ =head1 ps wrapper =over 4 =item * adapts to various variants of ps (tested on Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP/UX & Reliant Unix) =item * sorts by pid or other column you specify =item * allows killing the selected processes with any signal =item * eliminates itself and ps process from output =item * options for all own (-i) or root's (-r) processes =item * allows grepping processes (optionally inversely) with Perl regexps =item * father mode (-F) for showing a process tree =item * eliminates C column, which is by definition useless =item * loop mode repeatedly outputs every n (fractional) seconds, specially optimized for 0 seconds to loop as fast as possible -- interesting when grepping for running and/or runnable processes =item * loop mode with diff to previous output allows tracking processes as they appear (+) and dissapear (-) or change in some dispayed parameter =back =begin CPAN =head1 README B<ps wrapper> B< · >sort by pid or other column B< · >skip self and ps B< · >grep (-v) B< · >tree B< · >can kill selected processes B< · >loop mode (with diff) =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES UNIX/System_administration