App::GUI::Cellgraph - draw pattern by cellular automata

    1.  read this POD

    2.  start the program (cellgraph)

    3.  push buttons and see patterns change

    4.  push button *Draw* in right bottom corner to get a full picture

    5.  choose *"Save"* in Image menu (or "Ctrl+S") to store image in a PNG
        / JPEG / SVG file (choose image size in menu beforehand)

    6.  choose *Write* in settings menu ("Ctrl+W") to save settings into an
        INI file for loading in and tweaking the parameters later

        After first use of the program, a config file will be created under
        *~/.config/cellgraph* in your home directory. It contains mainly
        stored colors and dirs where to load and store setting files. You
        may change it manually or deleted it to reset defaults.

    This is a row (one dimensional arrangement) of cellular automata. Their
    starting state can be seen as a color in the first row of the grid. Each
    subsequent row below reflects the following state (Y is time axis).
    Other drawing directions are optional and explained as part of the
    *Global* panel.

    One automaton is called cell and works like described in *Steve
    Wolfram*s book *"A new kind of science"*. Each cell can be in one of
    several states, displayed as a greyscale or user defined color. The most
    simple cells have only two states: 0 and 1 (pictured as white and black
    squares). The state of each cell may change each round (think of
    processor cycles). How exactly they change is defined by a transfer
    function. The input of that function are the states of neighbours left
    and right and the cell itself. The size of this neighbourhood can be
    changed. For every combination of states in the neighbourhood there is
    one partial rule that defines the next state of the cell. If large
    neighbourhoods or large state counts would result in too many partial
    rules, than a different logic will apply. Than there is only a different
    partial rule for every distinct sum value. By sum is meant the sum of
    all states in the neighbourhood, since the state of a cell is just an

    To each partial rule also belongs also an action rule, an instruction
    that decides if the transfer function will be even applied or the state
    just stays the same. Action rules will be set via the *Action* panel.

    The general layout is very simple: the settings are on the right and the
    drawing board is left. The settings are devided into several tabs.

    Please mind the tool tips - short help texts which appear if the mouse
    stands still over a button. Also helpful are messages in the status bar
    at the bottom that appear while browsing the menu.

    The first tab contains the general (meta) settings. In upper left corder
    is the selector for the optical grid style. With or without grid lines
    (always sized one pixel) or just same sized gaps between the colored
    squares, which represent the cells. Right beside you set the size of the
    squares in pixel.

    In the row below are options how to draw the state matrix. Default is
    the already in the description mentioned top down drawing method, where
    the first row is the initial state of the cells as set in the next tab
    named *start*. Each following state of a cell is in the square below,
    which makes Y so to speak the (vertical) time axis (top to down). To
    produce more decorative patterns there are two more frawing patters:
    *inside out* and *outside in*. Both are based on the idea of cutting the
    grid square into 4 triangles, by using the diagonals as dividing lines.
    With *outside in* the upper triangle is filled as before and the content
    rotated 3 times around the center to fill the other triangles. With the
    option *inside out* is almost everything the same except the upper
    triangle is filled from the center up so the central pixel of the square
    is the central pixel of the starting row, growing into all four
    directions. On the checkbox beside that you hab the option to make the
    leftmost and rightmost cells neighbours. It their not the program will
    calculate enough so no artefacts stemming from the corner cells will be
    visible. But making the cell row into a ring can produce a different
    kind of artefacts.

    The third row in this tab sets the meta properties of the rules: number
    of states and size of neighbourhood. If that is even, the cell in
    question is not part of its own neighbourhood.

    The second tab contains settings for the starting values (states). By
    clicking on the squares you change (cycle) the state. Only the cells
    from the first to the last none zero (white) one will be recognised and
    placed into the center of the first grid row and the rest will be filled
    with zeros. If you choose *Repeat*, the selected cell staes will
    repeated to take up the entire cell row. To get only one none zero cell,
    press the butoon 1 and for a random starting sequence "?". The arrow
    buttons are just increment or decrement the numeric value of the
    starting sequence.

    On the third tab you can set the individual partial rules. Just click on
    the result square in the chosen subrule (after the =>). The state color
    will cycle through as in the previous tab. All rule results are combined
    in a rule number, which you can see on top. With the buttons left and
    right you can again count that number down and up or even shift the rule
    results left and right (<< and >>). The buttons in the second row you to
    reach related rules, like the inverted, symmetric or opposite. Inverted
    means every sub rule result will be inverted. (Inverted result state, "
    = $state_count - $previous_state ") Symmetric means every subrule
    switches its result with its symmetric partner (neighbourhood pattern or
    sum reversed). Opposite rule means the pattern of result states will be
    reversed (mirrored). The button *"?"* again selects a random rule.

    Here are listed the same sub rule inputs as before (every possible
    neighbourhood configuration) on the left hand side of the =&gt;. The
    reults of these action rules control which cell are allowed to change
    during the next round (only neighbours marked with a circle). Behind the
    result of each subrule input is here a result for the action
    propagation. The circles show if the cell or its neighbours can do the
    transfer function next cycle. These settings are again combined in a
    singular action value (behind the label "Active:"). Here are also four
    buttons to select the init state, a grid patter or a random state. The
    first buttom set the inverted distribution of action propagation.

    This panel help to set custom colors for each automaton state and it is
    divided into five sections by horizontal lines. This will be a
    description section by section from top to bottom.

    The first section is for storing and loading complete sets of state
    colors. Just select a set you want to load either in the drop down menu
    or by skipping to it with the buttons '<' and '>'. Below this selector
    you can see a preview of the selected set. It gets loaded by pushing
    "Load". Then you can see the colors in large boxes two sections below
    since there are the currently used colors. If you want to save the
    colors, which are displayed there into the currently selected set push
    "Save". Please keep in mind this will overwrite whatever was there
    before. To prefent this push "New" to save the currently used colors
    into a new set. Its name will be asked for by a dialog. If you type in
    an already used name it will ask again, til the name is unique or you
    press "Cancel". "Del" just deletes the currently selected color set.

    The second section from top contains three buttons that are just
    functions calculating new colors based up the colors in the section
    below. The result will be also inserted in the row below. The three
    values beside the buttons are just arguments to the functions. The gap
    in this row is by intention, since both buttons on the left part have
    this one value as argument and the third button on the right has the two
    arguments on the right. "Gray" is the is the simplest function, since it
    produces just a gray gradient from white as (the leftmost) color 0 to
    black, stretching over all currently used states. The only argument
    (dynamics) has the default value of 1, which results in a linear
    gradient. Larger values let it lean to the right and smaller to the left
    - meaning that the difference between the first and second color on the
    left is the largest, becoming smaller and smaller toward the left end.
    "Gradient" does almost the same, but uses the leftmost and current
    (highlighted by arrow) color as input and computes such a gradient
    between them. "Complement" computes complementary colors to the
    currently highlighted and does also fill them into the positions from
    the left most to the current. The two arguments are maximal variation in
    saturation and lightness.

    As already mentioned the third sections displays the currently used
    colors. The left most color represents state 0, the one right beside is
    state 1 and so on. Colored squares with an big *X* below are not
    currently used. (Set the amount of currently used states in the *Global*
    panel.) Any click on a color square will select this color as the
    current one. It gets highlighted by an arrow below and the next sections
    always refer to this current color.

    The fourth section allows you to tweak the current color by changing its
    red, green or blue component (rows *R* *G* and *B*). The next three rows
    are about H(ue) (which color on rainbow), S(saturation) (from grey to
    most colorful) and L(ightness) (black to color to white). In each row
    you can either insert the value numbers directly by double clicking the
    number display and typing it. This value can be incresed or decreased by
    clicking the "+" and "-" buttons or by moving the slider on the right.

    The fifth section works almost like the first. It is a store for single
    colors, that loads or stores the currently highlighted color. The only
    difference is that there is no "New" button, since every saved color
    will always get a new name.

    The upmost menu bar has only three very simple menus. Please not that
    each menu shows which key combination triggers the same command and
    while hovering over an menu item you see a short help text the left
    status bar field.

    The first menu is for loading and storing setting files with arbitrary
    names. Also a sub menu allows a quick load of the recently used files.
    The first entry lets you reset the whole program to the starting state
    and the last is just to exit (safely with saving the configs).

    The second menu has only two commands for saving the grin into a image
    file. It can have an arbitrary name - the ending *PNG*, *JPG* or *SVG*
    decides the format. The submenu above sets the image size. Please note
    that if you choose a larger image than shown, a larger grid will be
    computed. If you want larger squares, please change that in the





    Herbert Breunung (

    Copyright(c) 2022-23 by Herbert Breunung

    All rights reserved. This program is free software and can be used and
    distributed under the GPL 3 licence.