Value-Object version 0.14

This class serves as a base class for classes implementing the "Value Object"
pattern. The core principles of a Value Object class are:

 * The meaning of the object is solely its value.
 * The value of the object is immutable.
 * The object is validated on creation.

Every Value::Object-derived object has a minimum of a "value" method that
returns its value.  There is no mutator methods that allow for changing the
value of the object. If you need an object with a new value, create a new
object. The concept is that one of these objects is more like the integer 5,
than the variable $v that contains the value. You cannot modify the value of
5, but you can make a new integer that is the value of 5 changed by some

The core of this particular Value Object implementation is the validation on
creation. Every subclass of Value::Object must override either the
_is_valid or the _why_invalid method. The _is_valid method determines
the validity of the supplied value. If the supplied value is not valid,
_is_valid returns false and the constructor throws an exception. If you
prefer to have control over the message of the exception, you can override
_why_invalid which returns undef for a valid value and information about
why the value is not valid otherwise. The result is that any Value::Object
object is guaranteed to be validated by its constructor.

There is a temptation when designing a Value object to include extra
functionality into the class. The Value::Object class instead aims for the
minimal function consistent with the requirements listed above. If a subclass
needs more functionality it can be added to that subclass at the point of need.
Valid extra functionality might be accessors for part of the value if it is
made of smaller pieces. Any mutator methods would violate the fundamental
design of the Value::Object base class and are, therefore, discouraged.


To install this module, run the following commands:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make test
	make install


Moo, namespace::clean.


Copyright (C) 2015, G. Wade Johnson

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.