CSS::Minifier::XS - XS based CSS minifier

      use CSS::Minifier::XS qw(minify);
      $minified = minify($css);

    "CSS::Minifier::XS" is a CSS "minifier"; its designed to remove
    un-necessary whitespace and comments from CSS files, while also not
    breaking the CSS.

    "CSS::Minifier::XS" is similar in function to "CSS::Minifier", but is
    substantially faster as its written in XS and not just pure Perl.

        Minifies the given $css, returning the minified CSS back to the

    "CSS::Minifier::XS" minifies the CSS by removing un-necessary whitespace
    from CSS documents. Comment blocks are also removed, *except* when (a)
    they contain the word "copyright" in them, or (b) they're needed to
    implement the "Mac/IE Comment Hack".

    Internally, the minification is done by taking multiple passes through
    the CSS document:

  Pass 1: Tokenize
    First, we go through and parse the CSS document into a series of tokens
    internally. The tokenizing process does not check to make sure that
    you've got syntactically valid CSS, it just breaks up the text into a
    stream of tokens suitable for processing by the subsequent stages.

  Pass 2: Collapse
    We then march through the token list and collapse certain tokens down to
    their smallest possible representation. *If* they're still included in
    the final results we only want to include them at their shortest.

        Runs of multiple whitespace characters are reduced down to a single
        whitespace character. If the whitespace contains any "end of line"
        (EOL) characters, then the end result is the *first* EOL character
        encountered. Otherwise, the result is the first whitespace character
        in the run.

        Comments implementing the "Mac/IE Comment Hack" are collapsed down
        to the smallest possible comment that would still implement the hack
        ("/*\*/" to start the hack, and "/**/" to end it).

    Zero Units
        Zero Units (e.g. "0px") are reduced down to just "0", as the CSS
        specification indicates that the unit is not required when its a
        zero value.

  Pass 3: Pruning
    We then go back through the token list and prune and remove un-necessary

        Wherever possible, whitespace is removed; before+after comment
        blocks, and before+after various symbols/sigils.

        Comments that either (a) are needed to implement the "Mac/IE Comment
        Hack", or that (b) contain the word "copyright" in them are
        preserved. All other comments are removed.

        Semi-colons that are immediately followed by a closing brace (e.g.
        ";}") are removed; semi-colons are needed to separate multiple
        declarations, but aren't required at the end of a group.

    Everything else
        We keep everything else; identifiers, quoted literal strings,
        symbols/sigils, etc.

  Pass 4: Re-assembly
    Lastly, we go back through the token list and re-assemble it all back
    into a single CSS string, which is then returned back to the caller.

    Graham TerMarsch (

    Copyright (C) 2007-, Graham TerMarsch. All Rights Reserved.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same license as Perl itself.
