"Config::XPath" - retrieve configuration data from XML files by using

     use Config::XPath;

     my $conf = Config::XPath->new( filename => 'addressbook.xml' );

     ## Basic data retrieval

     my $bob_phone = $conf->get_string( '//user[@name="bob"]/@phone' );

     my %jim_details = $conf->get_attrs( '//user[@name="jim"]' );

     my @everyone_with_fax = $conf->get_list( '//user[@fax]' );
     print " $_ has a fax\n" for @everyone_with_fax;

     my $phone_map = $conf->get_map( '//user', '@name', '@phone' );
     print " $_ has a phone: $phone_map->{$_}\n" for sort keys %$phone_map;

     ## Subconfigurations

     my $james_config = $conf->get_sub( '//user[@name="james"]' );
     my $james_phone = $james_config->get_string( '@phone' );

     foreach my $user_config ( $conf->get_sub_list( '//user[@email]' ) ) {
        my $town = $user_config->get_string( 'address/town' );
        print "Someone in $town has an email account\n";

    This module provides easy access to configuration data stored in an XML
    file. Configuration is retrieved using XPath keys; various methods exist
    to convert the result to a variety of convenient forms.

    If the methods are called as static functions (as opposed to as object
    methods) then they access data stored in the default configuration file
    (details given below).

    By default, the XPath context is at the root node of the XML document.
    If some other context is required, then a subconfiguration object can be
    used. This is a child "Config::XPath" object, built from an XPath query
    on the parent. Whatever node the query matches becomes the context for
    the new object. The methods "get_sub()" and "get_sub_list()" perform
    this task; the former returning a single child, and the latter returning
    a list of all matches.

  $conf = Config::XPath->new( %args )
    This function returns a new instance of a "Config::XPath" object,
    containing the configuration in the named XML file. If the given file
    does not exist, or an error occured while reading it, an exception is

    The %args hash requires one the following keys to provide the XML

    filename => $file
            The filename of the XML file to read

    xml => $xml
            A string containing XML data

    ioref => IO
            An IO handle reference

    Also may be provided:

    parser => $parser
            An "XML::Parser" object

    If a parser is not provided, one will be constructed internally.

  $result = $config->get( $paths, %args )
    This method retrieves the result of one of more XPath expressions from
    the XML file. Each expression should give either a text-valued element
    with no sub-elements, an attribute, or an XPath function that returns a
    string, integer or boolean value.

    The $paths argument should contain a data tree of ARRAY and HASH
    references, whose leaves will be the XPath expressions used. The $result
    will be returned in a similar tree structure, with the leaves containing
    the value each expression yielded against the XML config. The %args may
    contain a "default" key, which should give default values for these
    results, also in a similar tree structure.

    If no suitable node was found matching an XPath expression and no
    corresponding "default" value is found, then an exception is thrown. If
    more than one node is returned, or the returned node is not either a
    plain-text content containing no child nodes, or an attribute, then an
    exception is thrown.

    $paths  A tree data structure containing ARRAY and HASH references, and
            XPath expressions stored in plain scalars.

    %args   A hash that may contain extra options to control the operation.
            Supports the following keys:

                Contains a tree in the same structure as the $paths, whose
                leaf values should be returned instead of the value yielded
                by the XPath expression, in the case that no nodes match it.

  $str = $config->get_string( $path, %args )
    This function is a smaller version of the "get" method, which only works
    on a single string path.

    $path   The XPath to the required configuration node

    %args   A hash that may contain extra options to control the operation.
            Supports the following keys:

                If no XML node is found matching the path, return this value
                rather than throwing an exception.

  $attrs = $config->get_attrs( $path )
    This method retrieves the attributes of a single element in the XML
    file. The attributes are returned in a hash, along with the name of the
    element itself, which is returned in a special key named '+'. This name
    is not valid for an XML attribute, so this key will never clash with an
    actual value from the XML file.

    If no suitable node was found matching the XPath query, then an
    exception is thrown. If more than one node matched, or the returned node
    is not an element, then an exception is thrown.

            The XPath to the required configuration node

  @results = $config->get_list( $listpath; $valuepaths, %args )
    This method obtains a list of nodes matching the $listpath expression.
    For each node in the list, it obtains the result of the $valuepaths with
    the XPath context at each node, and returns them all in a list. The
    $valuepaths argument can be a single string expression, or an ARRAY or
    HASH tree, as for the "get()" method.

    If the $valuepaths argument is not supplied, the type of each node
    determines the value that will be returned. Element nodes return a
    hashref, identical to that which "get_attrs()" returns. Other nodes will
    return their XPath string value.

            The XPath expression to generate the list of nodes.

            Optional. If present, the XPath expression or tree of
            expressions to generate the results.

    %args   A hash that may contain extra options to control the operation.
            Supports the following keys:

                Contains a tree in the same structure as the $valuepaths,
                whose leaf values should be returned instead of the value
                yielded by the XPath expression, in the case that no nodes
                match it.

  $map = $config->get_map( $listpath, $keypath, $valuepaths, %args )
    This method obtains a map, returned as a hash, containing one entry for
    each node returned by the $listpath search, where the key and value are
    given by the $keypath and $valuepaths within each node. It is not an
    error for no nodes to match the $listpath.

    The result of the $listpath query must be a nodeset. The result of the
    $keypath is used as the hash key for each node, and must be convertable
    to a string, by the same rules as the "get_string()" method. The value
    for each node in the hash will be obtained using the $valuepaths, which
    can be a plain string, or an ARRAY or HASH tree, as for the "get()"

    The keys obtained by the $keypath should be unique. In the case of
    duplicates, the last value from the nodeset is used.

            The XPath to generate the nodeset

            The XPath within each node to generate the key

            The XPath expression or tree of expressions within each node to
            generate the value.

    %args   A hash that may contain extra options to control the operation.
            Supports the following keys:

                Contains a tree in the same structure as the $valuepaths,
                whose leaf values should be returned instead of the value
                yielded by the XPath expression, in the case that no nodes
                match it.

  $subconfig = $config->get_sub( $path )
    This method constructs a new "Config::XPath" object whose context is at
    the single node selected by the XPath query. The newly constructed child
    object is then returned.

    If no suitable node was found matching the XPath query, then an
    exception of is thrown. If more than one node matched, then an exception
    is thrown.

    $path   The XPath to the required configuration node

  @subconfigs = $config->get_sub_list( $path )
    This method constructs a list of new "Config::XPath" objects whose
    context is at each node selected by the XPath query. The array of newly
    constructed objects is then returned. Unlike other methods, it is not an
    error for no nodes to match.

    $path   The XPath for the required configuration

    In the case of calling as static functions, the default configuration is
    accessed. When the module is loaded no default configuration exists, but
    one can be loaded by calling the "read_default_config()" function. This
    makes programs simpler to write in cases where only one configuration
    file is used by the program.

  read_default_config( $file )
    This function reads the default configuration file, from the location
    given. If the file is not found, or an error occurs while reading it,
    then an exception is thrown.

    The default configuration is cached, so multiple calls to this function
    will not result in multiple reads of the file; subsequent requests will
    be silently ignored, even if a different filename is given.

    $file   The filename of the default configuration to load

    Each of the following functions is equivalent to a similar method called
    on the default configuration, as loaded by "read_default_config()".

  $str = get_config_string( $path, %args )
    Equivalent to the "get_string()" method

  $attrs = get_config_attrs( $path )
    Equivalent to the "get_attrs()" method

  @values = get_config_list( $path )
    Equivalent to the "get_list()" method

  $map = get_config_map( $listpath, $keypath, $valuepath )
    Equivalent to the "get_map()" method

  $map = get_sub_config( $path )
    Equivalent to the "get_sub()" method

  $map = get_sub_config_list( $path )
    Equivalent to the "get_sub_list()" method

    *   XML::XPath - Perl XML module that implements XPath queries

    Paul Evans <>