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                                                               .-  .  +mm+-.m+.m .
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 .____________              _________             _____
 .__  ___/_  /______ _____________  /___  __________  /_
  _____ \_  __/  __ `/_  ___/  __  /_  / / /_  ___/  __/   COMET
. ____/ // /_ / /_/ /_  /   / /_/ / / /_/ /_(__  )/ /_     Server
 ./____/ \__/ \__,_/ /_/    \__,_/  \__,_/ /____/ \__/


  Channel - channels are the medium through which messages travel.

  Message - messages are arbitrary JSON objects.

  You post messages to a channel and if any clients are
  long-polling on the stream for that channel,
  those messages will be broadcasted to them.


  GET  /

    General info about the server returned as a JSON-encoded object. 

  GET  /channel

    A list of all the channel names that have been used returned as a
    JSON-encoded array of strings.

  GET  /channel/:names

    A list of the specified channels returned as a
    JSON-encoded array of objects.

  POST /channel/:names

    Post a message to the specified channels.


      m   a JSON-encoded object.  If you want to send more than one
          message in a POST, the m parameter may be repeated.

  GET  /channel/:names/stream

    Long poll on this URL to subscribe to the specified channels.
    When messages become available, they will be returned as a
    JSON-ecoded array of objects.