                                                                 .%- ..
  [ Squatting ]                                                . m*#-+ 
  a Camping-inspired Web Microframework for Perl               m+*##+m.
                                                          ...- m#*#%-..
                                                        --.. +mm###-+-.
                                                      ..- m..*#####*m++
                                                  .-m..###+...% m#m-##% .
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                           ..- .+. ..+..+---+%---.--.--#m#+..        +
                        .-. m .. -.m++m####%###-##%.++*%++ m .
                      . +. m-- *##*#+###..-m+m.++.#-####-%-m.  ..
                      -m#--%###-m+- --+%m..--. -  .-*%####% ..-. -.
                   -...-*##%m+.+-+.++-m#+-. .. . +.+%%-#m..m#%m+..-.
                   -..*#**m.-.+..-.m+-##+.-       +m-+*%- %-- %##-
                 ...++*++.. . .     +m##*-.       -.%m+ +  -.-++%+-
                . ++###.%.--   . . *m+##%%.     .-%-#-    .  ...#...
                 ..%*+m       . + m+####%..     .-+%#+-       .-#--
                 -.#mm..    --.- +%#-m#%%     ...%+##%+        .+..\-
                .+mm%+ .. ..m-m.+%%+m**+..    --.##%m--.        + #-.
                .--%%.   . m .#++ %-- +mm-.  ...m##m-.+         -+*--
                 +-#+-   . .##+..   +..m     .m-#%#%--          -.##-.
               .%.**+. ...m#%..- .. ...# m . +-%#.%+           . %#%..+
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               .-+*m#%m**++-+        ..  -##.%%.-            - ..##+-.
               - +-*%##%+mm--+          . .#m-m-           - -+.m.##-+.
                .. m*##*#*%-m+-  - .    . .m.+.m      ..     m%+.*-% -
                ...+##m%####m-+m- -.   .. ..- ++..  .  +.. +%-###m-%.
                 ..%#-%#++%####.+.m-+.     . +m#+#+%.. . -#*###m.--
                 . %-mm ++-mm+**##%mm.   - .+mm#+*.+--.#/##-+-+m    .
                ..+.#    - +-. m%m#m#*+.-..+##*###%m#%#% .--- - . .
                .-m#m. .  .  ..m+...#%m--+-*#+######.%+..  .+
              ..m-#%. .      ..- .+--  -   .---.-**-+--...
             .+.#m#m-            ..   . . - -..- ..*
            . +-##-+. .                     --  . ..
             ..  .


                                  RANDOM NOTES

              There is an example application in the eg/ directory
                               called "Example".

           This is how you currently run this squatting application:

                                     cd eg/
                               squatting Example

              (Example.pm needs to be discoverable through @INC.)

                                    - -*- -

                     If you're familiar w/ the Camping API,
                      the Squatting API will feel similar.

                                    - -*- -

     Example::Controllers is the package that contains all the controllers.

                                    - -*- -

                     Controllers are objects (not classes)
                  that are constructed using the C() function.

                                    - -*- -

                      Controllers represent HTTP Resources
                           that support HTTP Methods
                             like GET and POST with
                               the object methods
                                 get and post.

                        This was the genius of Camping.
                        I can't think of a better way to
                          express RESTful controllers.

                                    - -*- -

           Example::Views is the package that contains all the views.

                                    - -*- -

                      Views are also objects (not classes)
                  that are constructed using the V() function.

                                    - -*- -

               The methods of a view are thought of as templates.

                                    - -*- -

                     The responsibility of a template is to
                       1) take a hashref of variables and
                              2) return a string.

                  You may use any templating system you want,
                              or even none at all.

                                    - -*- -

                You may define a layout template called 'layout'
         which will be used to wrap the content of any other template.
            If you don't want your template to be wrapped, you have
                     to give it a name with a '_' in front.

                                    - -*- -

           You may define a generic template called '_' for use when
                        a specific view can't be found.

                                    - -*- -

                          You may have multiple views.

                                    - -*- -

                The first view you define is your default view.

                                    - -*- -

               The optional 2nd parameter to the render() method
           lets you specify which view you want to use.  For example,

                        $self->render('profile', 'json')

           would render the 'profile' template using the 'json' view.