mp3 - an mpg123 front-end for UNIX::Philosophers

    General Syntax

        mp3 [COMMAND] [PARAMETER]...

    Building the play list

        mp3 add Blue_Six-Conga_Lounge_Mix.mp3
        mp3 add /c/mp3/*.mp3
        mp3 add
        mp3 del 0 2 4 -1

    Playing from the list

        mp3 play 5
        mp3 next
        mp3 prev

    Other controls

        mp3 rw 2.00
        mp3 ff 32.32
        mp3 jump 820
        mp3 pause
        mp3 stop

    Getting information

        mp3 time
        mp3 info
        mp3 ls

    Unloading the daemon

        mp3 quit

    I have combined my favourite features from dcd, cdcd, and mpg123 to
    create Yet Another Front-End For Mpg123. (YAFEFM)

    From dcd, I derived the ability to fork itself into the background.

    From cdcd, I derived its intuitive interface.

    With mpg123, I do the CPU-intensive work of actually playing the mp3s.

    The end result is an MP3 player that is compliant with the
    UNIX::Philosophy. Note that mp3 does not have a Captive User Interface.
    Requests are made by mp3 to an MP3::Daemon::Simple and mp3 returns
    immediately after getting a reply. The commands that generate output do
    so on STDOUT. This makes mp3 easy to combine with other Unix utilities
    via pipes and filters.

    Most of these commands are self-explanatory. One thing that may confuse
    some people is that the playlist has a zero-based index. Otherwise, if
    you're familiar with the cdcd interface, this should feel vaguely

    add     This adds mp3s to the playlist. Multiple files may be specified.

    del     This deletes items from the playlist by index. More than one
            index may be specified. If no index is specified, the last mp3
            in the playlist is removed. Indices may also be negative in
            which case they count from the end of the playlist.

    play    This plays the current mp3 if no other parameters are given.
            This command also takes an optional parameter where the index of
            an mp3 in the playlist may be given.

    next    This loads the next mp3 in the playlist.

    prev    This loads the previous mp3 in the playlist.

    pause   This pauses the currently playing mp3. If the mp3 was already
            paused, this will unpause it. Note that using the play command
            on a paused mp3 makes it start over from the beginning.

    rw      This rewinds an mp3 by the specified amount of seconds.

    ff      This fastforwards an mp3 by the specified amount of seconds.

    jump    This will go directly to a part of an mp3 specified by seconds
            from the beginning of the track. If the number of seconds is
            prefixed with either a "-" or a "+", a relative jump will be
            made. This is another way to rewind or fastforward.

    stop    This stops the player.

    time    This sends back the index of the current track, the amount of
            time that has elapsed, the amount of time that is left, and the
            total amount of time. All times are reported in seconds.

    info    This sends back information about the current track.

    ls      This sends back a list of all mp3s currently in the playlist.
            The current track is denoted by a line matching the regexp /^>/.

    quit    This unloads the MP3::Daemon::Simple that was automagically
            spawned when you first invoked mp3.

        This is the socket used to communicate with the daemon. In the event
        that the daemon is not cleanly shut down, this file may need to be
        deleted before another MP3::Daemon::Simple can be started up.

    Copyleft (c) 2001 John BEPPU. All rights reversed. This program is free
    software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
    as Perl itself.

    John BEPPU <>

    My inspirations
        dcd(1), cdcd(1), mpg123(1)

    Other perl modules
        Audio::Play::MPG123(3pm), MP3::Daemon::Simple(3pm), MP3::Daemon(3pm)

    The UNIX Philosophy
        If you want to know what UNIX is all about, check this book out.
        It's only 151 pages, and it's really easy and fun to read. Some
        parts are a little biased and/or dated, but there is still a lot of
        wisdom in it. I highly recommend it.

                title  => 'The UNIX Philosophy',
                author => 'Mike Gancarz',
                isbn   => '1-55558-123-4',

    the newest version