Session::Token - Secure, efficient, simple random session token

  Simple 128-bit session token
        my $token = Session::Token->new->get;
        ## 74da9DABOqgoipxqQDdygw

  Keep generator around
        my $generator = Session::Token->new;

        my $token = $generator->get;
        ## bu4EXqWt5nEeDjTAZcbTKY

        my $token2 = $generator->get;
        ## 4Vez56Zc7el5Ggx4PoXCNL

  Custom minimum entropy in bits
        my $token = Session::Token->new(entropy => 256)->get;
        ## WdLiluxxZVkPUHsoqnfcQ1YpARuj9Z7or3COA4HNNAv

  Custom alphabet and length
        my $token = Session::Token->new(alphabet => 'ACGT', length => 100_000_000)->get;

    This module provides a secure, efficient, and simple interface for
    creating session tokens, password reset codes, temporary passwords,
    random identifiers, and anything else you can think of.

    When a Session::Token object is created, 1024 bytes are read from
    "/dev/urandom" (Linux, Solaris, most BSDs), "/dev/arandom" (some older
    BSDs), or Crypt::Random::Source::Strong::Win32 (Windows). These bytes
    are used to seed the ISAAC-32
    <> pseudo random
    number generator.

    Once a generator is created, you can repeatedly call the "get" method on
    the generator object and it will return a new token each time.

    IMPORTANT: If your application calls "fork", make sure that any
    generators are re-created in one of the processes after the fork since
    forking will duplicate the generator state and both parent and child
    processes will go on to produce identical tokens (just like perl's rand
    after it is seeded).

    After the generator context is created, no system calls are used to
    generate tokens. This is one way that Session::Token helps with
    efficiency. However, this is only important for certain use cases
    (generally not web sessions).

    ISAAC is a cryptographically secure PRNG that improves on the well-known
    RC4 algorithm in some important areas. For instance, it doesn't have
    short cycles or initial bias like RC4 does. A theoretical shortest
    possible cycle in ISAAC is "2**40", although no cycles this short have
    ever been found (and probably don't exist at all). On average, ISAAC
    cycles are "2**8295".

    Developers must choose whether a single token generator will be kept
    around and used to generate all tokens, or if a new Session::Token
    object will be created every time a token is needed. As mentioned above,
    this module accesses urandom in its constructor for seeding purposes,
    but not subsequently while generating tokens.

    Generally speaking the generator should be kept around and re-used.
    Probably the most important reason for this is that generating a new
    token from an existing generator cannot fail due to a full
    file-descriptor table. Creating a new Session::Token object for every
    token can fail because, as described above, the constructor needs to
    open "/dev/urandom" and this will not succeed if all allotted
    descriptors are in use, or if the read is interrupted by a signal. In
    these events a perl exception will be thrown.

    Programs that re-use a generator are more likely to be portable to
    "chroot"ed environments where "/dev/urandom" may not be present.
    Finally, accessing urandom frequently is inefficient because it requires
    making system calls and because (at least on linux) reading from urandom
    acquires a system-wide kernel lock.

    On the other hand, re-using a generator may be undesirable because
    servers are typically started immediately after a system reboot and the
    kernel's randomness pool might be poorly seeded at that point.
    Similarly, when starting a virtual machine a previously used entropy
    pool state may be restored. In these cases all subsequently generated
    tokens will be derived from a weak/predictable seed. For this reason,
    you might choose to defer creating the generator until the first request
    actually comes in, periodically re-create the generator object, and/or
    manually handle seeding in some other way.

    Programs that assume opening "/dev/urandom" will always succeed can
    return session tokens based only on the contents of nulled or
    uninitialised memory. This is not the case with Session::Token since its
    constructor will always throw an exception if it can't seed itself. Some
    modern systems provide system calls with fewer failure modes (ie
    `getentropy(2)` on OpenBSD and `getrandom(2)` on linux). Future versions
    of Session::Token will likely use these system calls when available.

    Being able to choose exactly which characters appear in your token is
    sometimes useful. This set of characters is called the *alphabet*. The
    default alphabet size is 62 characters: uppercase letters, lowercase
    letters, and digits ("a-zA-Z0-9").

    For some purposes, base-62 is a sweet spot. It is more compact than
    hexadecimal encoding which helps with efficiency because session tokens
    are usually transferred over the network many times during a session
    (often uncompressed in HTTP headers).

    Also, base-62 tokens don't use "wacky" characters like base-64 encodings
    do. These characters sometimes cause encoding/escaping problems (ie when
    embedded in URLs) and are annoying because often you can't select tokens
    by double-clicking on them.

    Although the default is base-62, there are all kinds of reasons for
    using another alphabet. One example is if your users are reading tokens
    from a print-out or SMS or whatever, you may choose to omit characters
    like "o", "O", and 0 that can easily be confused.

    To set a custom alphabet, just pass in either a string or an array of
    characters to the "alphabet" parameter of the constructor:

        Session::Token->new(alphabet => '01')->get;
        Session::Token->new(alphabet => ['0', '1'])->get; # same thing
        Session::Token->new(alphabet => ['a'..'z'])->get; # character range

    Constructor args can be a hash-ref too:

        Session::Token->new({ alphabet => ['a'..'z'] })->get;

    There are two ways to specify the length of tokens. The most primitive
    is in terms of characters:

        print Session::Token->new(length => 5)->get;
        ## -> wpLH4

    But the primary way is to specify their minimum entropy in terms of

        print Session::Token->new(entropy => 24)->get;
        ## -> Fo5SX

    In the above example, the resulting token contains at least 24 bits of
    entropy. Given the default base-62 alphabet, we can compute the exact
    entropy of a 5 character token as follows:

        $ perl -E 'say 5 * log(62)/log(2)'

    So these tokens have about 29.8 bits of entropy. Note that if we removed
    one character from this token, it would bring it below our desired 24
    bits of entropy:

        $ perl -E 'say 4 * log(62)/log(2)'

    The default minimum entropy is 128 bits. Default tokens are 22
    characters long and therefore have about 131 bits of entropy:

        $ perl -E 'say 22 * log(62)/log(2)'

    An interesting observation is that in base-64 representation, 128-bit
    minimum tokens also require 22 characters and that these tokens contain
    only 1 more bit of entropy.

    Another Session::Token design criterion is that all tokens should be the
    same length. The default token length is 22 characters and the tokens
    are always exactly 22 characters (no more, no less). Instead of tokens
    that are exactly "N" characters, some libraries that use arbitrary
    precision arithmetic end up creating tokens of *at most* "N" characters.

    A fixed token length is nice because it makes writing matching regular
    expressions easier, simplifies storage (you never have to store length),
    causes various log files and things to line up neatly on your screen,
    and ensures that encrypted tokens won't leak token entropy due to length

    In summary, the default token length of exactly 22 characters is a
    consequence of these decisions: base-62 representation, 128 bit minimum
    token entropy, and fixed token length.

    Some token generation libraries that implement custom alphabets will
    generate a random value, compute its modulus over the size of an
    alphabet, and then use this modulus to index into the alphabet to
    determine an output character.

    Assume we have a uniform random number source that generates values in
    the set "[0,1,2,3]" (most PRNGs provide sequences of bits, in other
    words power-of-2 size sets) and wish to use the alphabet "abc".

    If we use the naïve modulus algorithm described above then 0 maps to
    "a", 1 maps to "b", 2 maps to "c", and 3 *also* maps to "a". This
    results in the following biased distribution for each character in the

        P(a) = 2/4 = 1/2
        P(b) = 1/4
        P(c) = 1/4

    Of course in an unbiased distribution, each character would have the
    same chance:

        P(a) = 1/3
        P(b) = 1/3
        P(c) = 1/3

    Bias is undesirable because certain tokens are obvious starting points
    when token guessing and certain other tokens are very unlikely. Tokens
    that are unbiased are equally likely and therefore there is no obvious
    starting point with them.

    Session::Token provides unbiased tokens regardless of the size of your
    alphabet (though see the "INTRODUCING BIAS" section for a mis-use
    warning). It does this in the same way that you might simulate producing
    unbiased random numbers from 1 to 5 given an unbiased 6-sided die:
    Re-roll every time a 6 comes up.

    In the above example, Session::Token eliminates bias by only using
    values of 0, 1, and 2 (the "t/no-mod-bias.t" test contains some more
    notes on this topic).

    Note that mod bias can be made arbitrarily small by increasing the
    amount of data consumed from a random number generator (provided that
    arbitrary precision modulus is available). Because this module
    fundamentally avoids mod bias, it can use each of the 4 bytes from an
    ISAAC-32 word for a separate character (excepting "re-rolls").

    Throwing away a portion of random data in order to avoid mod bias is
    slightly inefficient. How many bytes from ISAAC do we expect to consume
    for every character in the token? It depends on the size of the

    Session::Token masks off each byte using the smallest power of two
    greater than or equal to the alphabet size minus one so the probability
    that any particular byte can be used is:

        P = alphabet_size / next_power_of_two(alphabet_size)

    For example, with the default base-62 alphabet "P" is "62/64".

    In order to find the average number of bytes consumed for each
    character, calculate the expected value "E". There is a probability "P"
    that the first byte will be used and therefore only one byte will be
    consumed, and a probability "1 - P" that "1 + E" bytes will be consumed:

        E = P*1 + (1 - P)*(1 + E)

        E = P + 1 + E - P - P*E

        0 = 1 - P*E

        P*E = 1

        E = 1/P

    So for the default base-62 alphabet, the average number of bytes
    consumed for each character in a token is:

        E = 1/(62/64) = 64/62 ≅ 1.0323

    Because of the next power of two masking optimisation described above,
    "E" will always be less than 2. In the worst case scenario of an
    alphabet with 129 characters, "E" is roughly 1.9845.

    This minor inefficiency isn't an issue because the ISAAC implementation
    used is quite fast and this module is very thrifty in how it uses
    ISAAC's output.

    If your alphabet contains the same character two or more times, this
    character will be more biased than a character that only occurs once.
    You should be careful that your alphabets don't repeat in this way if
    you are trying to create random session tokens.

    However, if you wish to introduce bias this library doesn't try to stop
    you. (Maybe it should print a warning?)

        Session::Token->new(alphabet => '0000001', length => 5000)->get; # don't do this
        ## -> 0000000000010000000110000000000000000000000100...

    Due to a limitation discussed below, alphabets larger than 256 aren't
    currently supported so your bias can't get very granular.

    Aside: If you have a constant-biased output stream like the above
    example produces then you can re-construct an un-biased bit sequence
    with the von neumann algorithm. This works by comparing pairs of bits.
    If the pair consists of identical bits, it is discarded. Otherwise the
    order of the different bits is used to determine an output bit, ie 00
    and 11 are discarded but 01 and 10 are mapped to output bits of 0 and 1
    respectively. This only works if the bias in each bit is constant (like
    all characters in a Session::Token are).

    Due to a limitation in this module's code, alphabets can't be larger
    than 256 characters. Everywhere the above manual says "characters" it
    actually means bytes. This isn't a Unicode limitation per se, just the
    maximum size of the alphabet. If you like, you can map tokens onto new
    alphabets as long as they aren't more than 256 characters long. Here is
    how to generate a 128-bit minimum entropy token using the lowercase
    greek alphabet (note that both forms of lowercase sigma are included
    which may not be desirable):

        use utf8;
        my $token = Session::Token->new(alphabet => [map {chr} 0..25])->get;
        $token = join '', map {chr} map {ord($_) + ord('α')} split //, $token;
        # ρφνδαπξδββφδοςλχτμγσψδψζειετ

    Here's an interesting way to generate a uniform random integer between 0
    to 999 inclusive:

        0 + Session::Token->new(alphabet => ['0'..'9'], length => 3)->get

    If you wanted to natively support high code points, there is no point in
    hard-coding a limitation on the size of Unicode or even the (higher)
    limitation of perl characters. Instead, arbitrary precision "characters"
    should be supported with bigint. Here's an example of something similar
    in lisp: isaac.lisp <>.

    This module is not however designed to be the ultimate random number
    generator and at this time I think changing the design as described
    above would interfere with its goal of being secure, efficient, and

    String::Random has a method called "randpattern" where you provide a
    pattern that serves as a template when creating the token. You define
    the meaning of 1 or more template characters and each one that occurs in
    the pattern is replaced by a random character from a corresponding

    Andrew Beverley requested this feature for Session::Token and I
    suggested approximately the following:

        use Session::Token;

        sub token_template {
          my (%m) = @_;

          %m = map { $_ => Session::Token->new(alphabet => $m{$_}, length => 1) } keys %m;

          return sub {
            my $v = shift;
            $v =~ s/(.)/exists $m{$1} ? $m{$1}->get : $1/eg;
            return $v;

    In order to use "token_template" you should pass it key-vaue pairs of
    the different token characters and the alphabets they represent. It will
    return a sub that should be passed the template pattern and it will
    return the resulting random tokens.

    For example, here is how to create UUID version 4
    28random.29> tokens:

        sub uuid_v4_generator {
          my $t = token_template(
                x => [ 0..9, 'a'..'f' ],
                y => [ 8, 9, 'a', 'b' ],

          return sub {
            return $t->('xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx');

    "uuid_v4_generator" returns a generator function that will return tokens
    of the following form:


    Note that characters in the pattern which don't have template characters
    defined ("-" and 4 in the above example) are passed through to the
    output token.

    This module is designed to always seed itself from your kernel's secure
    random number source. You should never need to seed it yourself.

    However if you know what you're doing you can pass in a custom seed as a
    1024 byte long string. For example, here is how to create a "null
    seeded" generator:

        my $gen = Session::Token(seed => "\x00" x 1024);

    This is done in the test-suite to compare against Jenkins' reference
    ISAAC output, but obviously don't do this in regular applications
    because the generated tokens will be the same every time your program is

    One valid reason for manually seeding is if you have some reason to
    believe that there isn't enough entropy in your kernel's randomness pool
    and therefore you don't trust "/dev/urandom". In this case you should
    acquire your own seed data from somewhere trustworthy (maybe
    "/dev/random" or a previously stored trusted seed).

    As mentioned above, all tokens produced by a Session::Token generator
    are the same length. If you prefer tokens of variable length, it is
    possible to post-process the tokens in order to achieve this so long as
    you keep some things in mind.

    If you randomly truncate tokens created by Session::Token, be careful
    not to introduce bias. For example, if you choose the length of the
    token as a uniformly distributed random length between 8 and 10, then
    the output will be biased towards shorter token sizes. Length 8 tokens
    should appear less frequently than length 9 or 10 tokens because there
    are fewer of them.

    Another approach is to eliminate leading characters of a given value in
    the same way as leading 0s are commonly eliminated from numeric
    representations. Although this approach doesn't introduce bias, the
    tokens 1 and 01 are not distinct so it does not increase token entropy
    given a fixed maximum token length which is the main reason for
    preferring variable length tokens. The ideal variable length algorithm
    would generate both 1 and 01 tokens (with identical frequency of

    Implementing unbiased, variable-length tokens would complicate the
    Session::Token implementation especially since you should still be able
    to specify minimum entropy variable-length tokens. Minimum entropy is
    the primary input to Session::Token, not token length. This is the
    reason that the default token length of 22 isn't hard-coded anywhere in
    the Session::Token source code (but 128 is).

    The final reason that Session::Token discourages variable length tokens
    is that they can leak token information through a side-channel. This
    could occur when a message is encrypted but the length of the original
    message can be inferred from the encrypted ciphertext.

    Should check for biased alphabets and print warnings.

    Would be cool if it could detect forks and warn or re-seed in the child
    process (without incurring "getpid" overhead).

    There is currently no way to extract the seed from a Session::Token
    object. Note when implementing this: The saved seed must either store
    the current state of the ISAAC round as well as the 1024 byte "randsl"
    array or else do some kind of minimum fast forwarding in order to
    protect against a partially duplicated output-stream bug.

    Doesn't work on perl 5.6 and below due to the use of ":raw" (thanks CPAN
    testers). It could probably use "binmode" instead, but meh.

    On windows we use Crypt::Random::Source::Strong::Win32 which has a big
    dependency tree. We should instead use a slimmer module like

    There is a command-line application called App::Session::Token which is
    a convenience wrapper around Session::Token. You can generate session
    tokens by running the "session-token" binary:

        $ echo "Your password is `session-token`"
        Your password is 8Yom6z4AeB1RXxCGzklJFt

    It supports all the options of this module via command line parameters,
    and multiple session tokens can be generated with the "--num" (aka "-n")
    switch. For example:

        $ session-token --alphabet ABC --entropy 32 --num 5

    The Session::Token github repo


    Presentation for Toronto Perl Mongers

    There are lots of different modules for generating random data. If the
    characterisations of any of them below are inaccurate or out-of-date,
    please file a github issue and I will correct them.

    Like this module, perl's "rand()" function implements a user-space PRNG
    seeded from "/dev/urandom". However, perl's "rand()" is not secure. Perl
    doesn't specify a PRNG algorithm at all. On linux, whatever it is is
    seeded with a mere 4 bytes from "/dev/urandom".

    Data::Token is the first thing I saw when I looked around on CPAN. It
    has an inflexible and unspecified alphabet. It tries to get its source
    of unpredictability from UUIDs and then hashes these UUIDs with SHA-1. I
    think this is bad design because some standard UUID formats aren't
    designed to be unpredictable at all. This is acknowledged in RFC 4122
    section 6: "Do not assume that UUIDs are hard to guess; they should not
    be used as security capabilities (identifiers whose mere possession
    grants access)." With certain UUIDs, knowing a target's MAC address or
    the rough time the token was issued may help you predict a reduced area
    of token-space to concentrate guessing attacks upon. I don't know if
    Data::Token uses these types of UUIDs or the potentially secure "version
    4" UUIDs, but because this wasn't addressed in the documentation and
    because of an apparent misapplication of hash functions (if you really
    had an unpredictable UUID, there would be no need to hash), I don't feel
    good about using this module.

    There are several decent random number generators like
    Math::Random::Secure and Crypt::URandom but they usually don't implement
    alphabets and some of them require you open or read from "/dev/urandom"
    for every chunk of random bytes. Note that Math::Random::Secure does
    prevent mod bias in its random integers and could be used to implement
    unbiased alphabets (slowly).

    String::Random has a neat regexp-like language for specifying random
    tokens which is more flexible than alphabets. However, it uses perl's
    "rand()" and its documentation fails to discuss performance, bias, or
    security. See the "TOKEN TEMPLATES" section for a similar feature.

    String::Urandom has alphabets, but it uses the flawed mod algorithm
    described above and opens "/dev/urandom" for every token.

    There are other modules like Data::Random, App::Genpass,
    String::MkPasswd, Crypt::RandPasswd, Crypt::GeneratePassword, and
    Data::SimplePassword but they use insecure PRNGs such as "rand()" or
    mersenne twister, don't adequately deal with bias, and/or don't let you
    specify generic alphabets.

    Bytes::Random::Secure has alphabets (aka "bags"), uses ISAAC, and avoids
    mod bias using the re-roll algorithm. It is much slower than
    Session::Token (even when using Math::Random::ISAAC::XS) but does
    support alphabets larger than 256 and might work in environments without

    Neil Bowers has conducted a 3rd party review
    <> of various token/password
    generation modules including Session::Token.

    Leo Zovic has created a Common Lisp implementation of session-token

    Doug Hoyte, "<>"

    Copyright 2012-2016 Doug Hoyte.

    This module is licensed under the same terms as perl itself.

    ISAAC code:

        By Bob Jenkins.  My random number generator, ISAAC.  Public Domain