Apache::Admin::Config version 0.05


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


0.06  Tue Sep 18 01:09:24 2001
        - Make a quick and dirty documentation
        - value() return the context value if no arguments given
        - new() can be called without argument, save() need an argument in this

0.05  Sat Aug 18 14:39:45 2001
        - Major bug fix, if config file wasn't exists, module won't work !
        - Bug fix, value method wasn't took the appropriate value for change it, resulted
          to an unchanged value
        - Bug fix, $master and $root value was undefined in value method, so value wasn't
          work at all

0.04  Fri Aug 17 01:42:16 2001
        - Fix a minor bug in directive method.

0.03  Fri Aug 17 01:07:17 2001
        - Fix a major bug in directive method.

0.02  Thu Aug 16 01:48:54 2001
        - Put module on CPAN
        - Fix a very major bug that cause "syntax error" from parser on directives with
          no value like "clearmodulelist", thanx A2 for this report.

0.01  Sun Aug 12 11:58:10 2001
	- Original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options -AX -n Apache::Admin

    Apache::Admin::Config - A common module to manipulate Apache
    configuration files

        use Apache::Admin::Config;

        my $obj = new Apache::Admin::Config ("/path/to/config_file.conf")
            || die $Apache::Admin::Config::ERROR;

        # getting the full list of directives in current context die if error
        my @directives_list = @{ $obj->directive || die $obj->error };

        # getting the full list of sections in current context or die if error
        my @sections_list = @{ $obj->section || dit $obj->error };

        # getting values' list of directive "Foo"
        my @foo_directive_values = @{ $obj->directive('Foo') };

        # getting values' list of section "Foo"
        my @foo_section_values = @{ $obj->section('Foo') };
        # adding directive "Foo" with value "bar" in the current context
        # adding directive "Foo" with value "bar" in the section <VirtualHost test.com> 
        # of current context

        # adding section "Foo" with value "bar" in the current context
        # adding section "Foo" with value "bar" in the section <VirtualHost text.com>
        # of current context (in two steps)
        my $subsection = $obj->section(VirtualHost=>'test.com');

        # change directive "Foo" with value "bar" to value "rab"
        # same in sub-section
        # change section "Foo" with value "bar" to value "rab"

        # delete directive "Foo bar" (the last one if serveral identicales)

        # delete section "<Foo bar>...</bar>" (all sections if dispatched several
        # sections with same name/value)
        # save changes in the file
        # or in another file

    This module allows you to edit Apache configuration files without
    modifying comments, indentation, or truncated lines.

  new [/path/to/file]

    Create or read, if given in argument, an apache like configuration file.

  save [/path/to/file]

    Write modifications to the configuration file. If a path to a file is
    given, save the modification to this file instead.



    Add the section named "foo" with value "bar" to the context pointed by

  section [name], [value]

        @sections_list      = @{ $obj->section };
        @section_values     = @{ $obj->section(SectionName) };
        $section_object     = $obj->section(SectionName=>'value');


    name : the name of section, it's "File" in section <File
    "/path/to/file"></File</File> value : the value of the section

    This method return :

    -   list of sections in current context - as an array reference - if no
        argument is given.

    -   list of sections "foo"'s values - as an array reference - if the
        only argument is "foo"

    -   an object for the context pointed by the section "foo" with value
        "bar" if arguments given was "foo" and "bar".



    Add the directive "foo" with value "bar" in the context pointed by $obj.


        @directives_list    = @{ $obj->directive };
        @directive_values   = @{ $obj->directive(Foo);
        $directvie_object   = $obj->directive(Foo=>'bar');


    name : the name of directive. value : value of the directive.

    This method return :

    -   list of directives in context pointed by $obj - as an array
        reference - if no argument is given.

    -   list of "foo" directive's values - as an array reference - if the
        only argument is "foo".

    -   an object for manipulating directive called "foo" with value "bar"
        if arguments given was "foo" and "bar". Warning, if several
        directive have the same name and value, the last one is taken, may
        change in future versions.



    Delete the current context pointed by object. Can be directive or

  value [newvalue]


    Change the value of a directive or section. If no argument given, return
    the value of object $htconf.


    Return the last append error.

    Olivier Poitrey <rs@rhapsodyk.net>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
    option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with the program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc. :

    59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307

    Copyright (C) 2001 - Olivier Poitrey

    $Log: README,v $
    Revision 1.9  2001/09/17 23:14:44  rs
    => 0.06
 Revision 1.16 2001/09/17 23:12:53 rs Make a real
    quick and dirty documentation value() now return the context value if
    called without arguments new() can now be called without arguments,
    save() need one in this case

    Revision 1.15 2001/08/23 01:05:35 rs update of documentation's
    DESCRIPTION section

    Revision 1.14 2001/08/18 13:38:25 rs fix major bug, if config file
    wasn't exist, module won't work

    Revision 1.13 2001/08/18 12:50:14 rs value method wasn't take the
    appropriate value for change it

    Revision 1.12 2001/08/18 12:46:15 rs $root value was not defined !

    Revision 1.11 2001/08/18 12:39:35 rs migrate to 0.05

    Revision 1.10 2001/08/18 12:39:15 rs bug fix in value method, $master
    wasn't defined, cause method to not work at all

    Revision 1.9 2001/08/16 23:41:59 rs fix bug in directive method :
    directive foo doesn't exists @{$conf->directive("foo")};
    $conf->add_directive(foo=>'bar'); Modification of non-creatable array
    value attempted, subscript -1 at ... line 358.

    Revision 1.8 2001/08/16 23:07:04 rs fix a bug in directive methode.

    Revision 1.7 2001/08/15 23:48:33 rs Fix a major bug that cause "syntaxe
    error" on directives that haven't values like "clearmodulelist"

    Revision 1.6 2001/08/14 09:49:07 rs adding some pod sections