Text::SpanningTable - ASCII tables with support for column spanning.

    version 0.2

            use Text::SpanningTable;

            # create a table object with four columns of varying widths
            my $t = Text::SpanningTable->new(10, 20, 15, 25);

            # enable auto-newline adding
            # print a top border
            print $t->hr('top');
            # print a row (with header information)
            print $t->row('Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3', 'Column 4');
            # print a double horizontal rule
            print $t->dhr; # also $t->hr('dhr');

            # print a row of data
            print $t->row('one', 'two', 'three', 'four');
            # print a horizontal rule
            print $t->hr;
            # print another row, with one column that spans all four columns
            print $t->row([4, 'Creedance Clearwater Revival']);
            # print a horizontal rule
            print $t->hr;
            # print a row with the first column normally and another column
            # spanning the remaining three columns
            print $t->row(
                    'normal column',
                    [3, 'this column spans three columns and also wraps to the next line.']

            # finally, print the bottom border
            print $t->hr('bottom');

            # the output from all these commands is:
            | Column 1 | Column 2         | Column 3    | Column 4              |
            | one      | two              | three       | four                  |
            | Creedance Clearwater Revival                                      |
            | normal   | this column spans three columns and also wraps to the  |
            |          | next line.                                             |

    "Text::SpanningTable" provides a mechanism for creating simple ASCII
    tables, with support for column spanning. It is meant to be used with
    monospace fonts such as common in terminals, and thus is useful for
    logging purposes.

    This module is inspired by Text::SimpleTable and can generally produce
    the same output (except that "Text::SimpleTable" doesn't support column
    spanning), but with a few key differences:

    *   In "Text::SimpleTable", you build your table in the object and
        "draw()" it when you're done. In "Text::SpanningTable", you can
        print your table (or do whatever you want with the output) as it is
        being built. If you don't need to have your tables in "real-time",
        you can just save the output in a variable, but for convenience and
        compatibility with "Text::SimpleTable", this module provides a
        "draw()" method (which is actually an alias for the "output()"
        method) that returns the table's output.

    *   "Text::SimpleTable" takes care of the top and bottom borders of the
        table by itself. Due to "Text::SpanningTable"'s "real-time" nature,
        this functionality is not provided, and you have to take care of
        that yourself.

    *   "Text::SimpleTable" allows you to pass titles for a header column
        when creating the table object. This module doesn't have that
        functionality, you have to create header rows (or footer rows)
        yourself and how you see fit.

    *   "Text::SpanningTable" provides a second type of horizontal rules
        (called 'dhr' for 'double horizontal rule') that can be used for
        header and footer rows (or whatever you see fit).

    *   "Text::SpanningTable" provides an option to define a callback
        function that can be automatically invoked on the module's output
        when calling "row()", "hr()" or "dhr()".

    *   In "Text::SimpleTable", the widths you define for the columns are
        the widths of the data they can accommodate, i.e. without the
        borders and padding. In "Text::SpanningTable", the widths you define
        are WITH the borders and padding. If you are familiar with the CSS
        and the box model, then columns in "Text::SimpleTable" have
        "box-sizing" set to "content-box", while in "Text::SpanningTable"
        they have "box-sizing" set to "border-box". So take into account
        that the width of the column's data will be four characters less
        than defined.

    Like "Text::SimpleTable", the columns of the table will always be
    exactly the same width as defined, i.e. they will not stretch to
    accommodate the data passed to the cells. If a cell's data is too big,
    it will be wrapped (with possible word-breaking using the '-'
    character), thus resulting in more lines of text.

  new( [@column_widths] )
    Creates a new instance of "Text::SpanningTable" with columns of the
    provided widths. If you don't provide any column widths, the table will
    have one column with a width of 100 characters.

  newlines( [$boolean] )
    By default, trailing newlines will NOT be added automatically to the
    output generated by this module (for example, when printing a horizontal
    rule, a newline character will not be added). Pass a boolean value to
    this method to enable/disable automatic newline creation. Returns the
    current value of this attribute (after changing it if a boolean value
    has been passed).

  exec( \&sub, [@args] )
    Define a callback function to be invoked whenever calling "row()",
    "hr()" or "dhr()". Pass this method an anonymous subroutine ("\&sub"
    above) or a reference to a subroutine, and a list of
    parameters/arguments you wish this subroutine to have (@args above).
    When called, the subroutine will receive, as arguments, the generated
    output, and @args.

    So, for example, you can do:

            $t->exec(sub { my ($output, $log) = @_; $log->info($output); }, $log);

    This would result in "$log->info($output)" being invoken whenever
    calling "row()", "hr()" or "dhr()", with $output being the output these
    methods generated. See more info at the "row()"'s method documentation

  hr( ['top'|'middle'|'bottom'|'dhr'] )
    Generates a horizontal rule of a certain type. Unless a specific type is
    provided, 'middle' we be used. 'top' generates a top border for the
    table, 'bottom' generates a bottom border, and 'dhr' is the same as
    'middle', but generates a 'double horizontal rule' that is more
    pronounced and thus can be used for headers and footers.

    This method will always result in one line of text.

    Convenience method that simply calls "hr('dhr')".

  row( @column_data )
    Generates a new row from an array holding the data for the row's
    columns. At a maximum, the number of items in the @column_data array
    will be the number of columns defined when creating the object. At a
    minimum, it will have one item. If the passed data doesn't fill the
    entire row, the rest of the columns will be printed blank (so it is not
    structurally incorrect to pass insufficient data).

    When a column doesn't span, simply push a scalar to the array. When it
    does span, push an array-ref with two items, the first being the number
    of columns to span, the second being the scalar data to print. Passing
    an array-ref with 1 for the first item is the same as just passing the
    scalar data (as the column will simply span itself).

    So, for example, if the table has nine columns, the following is a valid
    value for @column_data:

            ( 'one', [2, 'two and three'], 'four', [5, 'five through nine'] )

    The following is also valid:

            ( 'one', [5, 'two through six'] )

    Columns seven through nine in the above example will be blank, so it's
    the same as passing:

            ( 'one', [5, 'two through six'], ' ', ' ', ' ' )

    If a column's data is longer than its width, the data will wrapped and
    broken, which will result in the row being constructed from more than
    one lines of text. Thus, as opposed to the "hr()" method, this method
    has two options for a return value: in list context, it will return all
    the lines constructing the row (with or without newlines at the end of
    each string as per what was defined with the "newlines() method"); in
    scalar context, however, it will return the row as a string containing
    newline characters that separate the lines of text (once again, a
    trailing newline will be added to this string only if a true value was
    passed to "newlines()").

    If a callback function has been defined, it will not be invoked with the
    complete output of this row (i.e. with all the lines of text that has
    resulted), but instead will be called once per each line of text. This
    is what makes the callback function so useful, as it helps you cope with
    problems resulting from all the newline characters separating these
    lines. When the callback function is called on each line of text, the
    line will only contain the newline character at its end if "newlines()"
    has been set to true.

    Returns the entire output generated for the table up to the point of
    calling this method. It should be stressed that this method does not
    "finalize" the table by adding top and bottom borders or anything at
    all. Decoration is done "real-time" and if you don't add top and bottom
    borders yourself (with "hr('top')" and "hr('bottom')", respectively),
    this method will not do that for you. Returned output will or will not
    contain newlines as per the value defined with "newlines()".

    Both the above methods do the same, "draw()" is provided as an alias for
    compatibility with Text::SimpleTable.

    Ido Perlmuter, "<ido at>"

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-text-spanningtable at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I
    will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress
    on your bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

            perldoc Text::SpanningTable

    You can also look for information at:

    *   RT: CPAN's request tracker


    *   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


    *   CPAN Ratings


    *   Search CPAN


    Sebastian Riedel and Marcus Ramberg, authors of Text::SimpleTable, which
    provided the inspiration of this module.

    Copyright 2010 Ido Perlmuter.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

    See for more information.