use Test::More;
        use Test::Some 'foo';
        plant tests => 3;
        subtest foo => sub { pass };
        # will be skipped
        subtest bar => sub { fail };


    This module allows to run a subset of the 'subtest' tests given in a
    test file.

    The module declaration takes a whitelist of the subtests we want to
    run. Any subtest that doesn't match any of the whitelist items will be
    skipped (or potentially bypassed).

    The test files don't even need to be modified, as the module can also
    be invoked from the command-line. E.g.,

        $ perl -MTest::Some=foo t/tests.t

    If no argument is given to the module declaration, the environment
    variable TEST_SOME will be used as the defaults. For example, this is
    equivalent to the example above:

        $ export TEST_SOME=foo
        $ perl -MTest::Some t/tests.t

 Whitelist items


    Tells Test::Some to bypass the non-whitelisted tests instead of
    skipping them. That makes for a smaller output, but the test file would
    now fail if it has a plan tests = $n> line (as we'll only report on $n
    - bypassed tests).

  Subtest name

    At its most simple, the names of the subtests we want to run can be

        # run subtests 'foo' and 'bar'
        use Test::Some 'foo', 'bar';


    An item prefixed with a bang (!) is negated.

        use Test::Some '!foo';  # run all tests but 'foo'

    Note that a subtest is run if it matches any item in the whitelist, so

        use Test::Some '!foo', '!bar';

    will run all tests as `foo` is not `bar` and vice versa.

  Regular expression

    A string beginning with a slash (/), or a regular expression object
    will be considered to be a regular expression to be compared against
    the subtest name

        use Test::Some '/foo';  # only tests with 'foo' in their name
        # equivalent to 
        use Test::Some qr/foo/;


    Strings prefixed with a colon (:) are considered to be tags.

        # run all tests with the 'basic' tag
        use Test::Some ':basic';

    Tags can be assigned to a subtest by putting them after the coderef.

        subtest foo, sub { 
        }, 'tag1', 'tag2';

    Test::More's subtest ignore those trailing arguments, so they be put
    there without breaking backward compatibility.


    A coderef can be passed. It'll have the subtest name and its tags
    passed in as `$_` and `%_`, respectively.

        # run tests with tags 'important' *and* 'auth'
        use Test::Some sub { 
            $_{important} and $_{auth} 


    * - introduction blog entry