AnyEvent::ZabbixSender - simple and efficient zabbix data submission

       use AnyEvent::ZabbixSender;

    This module is an AnyEvent user, you need to make sure that you use and
    run a supported event loop.

    I't implements the zabbix version 2.0-3.4 protocol for item data

    $zbx = new AnyEvent::ZabbixSender [key => value...]
        Creates a (virtual) connection to a zabbix server. Since each
        submission requires a new TCP connection, creating the connection
        object does not actually contact the server.

        The connection object will linger in the destructor until all data
        has been submitted or thrown away.

        You can specify various configuration parameters. The term @items
        refers to an array with "[key, value, clock]" array-refs.

        server => "$hostname:$port" (default: "localhost:10051")
            The zabbix server to connect to.

        host => $name (default: local nodename)
            The submission host, the "technical" name from tghe zabbix

        delay => $seconds (default: 0)
            If non-zero, then the module will gather data submissions for up
            to this number of seconds before actually submitting them as a
            single batch.

            Submissions can get batched even if 0, as events submitted while
            the connection is being established or retried will be batched
            together in any case.

        queue_time => $seconds (default: 3600)
            The amount of time a data item will be queued until it is thrown
            away when the server cannot be reached.

        linger_time => $seconds (default: same as "queue_time")
            The amount of time the module will linger in its destructor
            until all items have been submitted.

        retry_min => $seconds (default: 30)
        retry_max => $seconds (default: 300)
            The minimum and maximum retry times when the server cannot be

        on_error => $cb->($zbx, \@items, $msg) (default: log and continue)
            Called on any protocol errors - these generally indicate that
            something other than a zabbix server is running on a port. The
            given key-value pairs are the lost items.

        on_loss => $cb->($zbx, \@items) (default: log and continue)
            Will be called when some data items are thrown away (this
            happens if the server isn't reachable for at least "queue_time"

        on_response => $cb->($zbx, \@items, \%response) (default: not
            Will be called with the (generally rather useless) response form
            the zabbix server.

    $zbx->submit ($k, $v[, $clock[, $host]])
        Submits a new key-value pair to the zabbix server. If $clock is
        missing or "undef", then "AE::now" is used for the event timestamp.
        If $host is missing, then the default set during object creation is

    $zbx->submit_multiple ([ [$k, $v, $clock, $host]... ])
        Like "submit", but submits many key-value pairs at once.


       Marc Lehmann <>