NAME cpan-packager - create redhat/debian packages from CPAN distributions SYNOPSIS cpan-packager --module The module name ex) Test::Exception --builder RPM or Deb --conf The CPAN::Packager configuration file path. [--verbose] Emit additional information and diagnostics. [--always-build] Always build CPAN modules even if the module is already installed. [--modulelist] The path to a file containing the list of modules [--help] Example $ cpan-packager --module Test::Exception --builder RPM --conf \ conf/config-deb.yaml --verbose Usage See perldoc cpan-packager See perldoc CPAN::Packager::Manual. Manual RPMs $ sudo cpan-packager --module Test::Exception --builder RPM --conf \ conf/config-rpm.yaml --verbose The resulting package may be found at: ~/.cpanpackager/rpm Debs $ sudo cpan-packager --module Test::Exception --builder Deb --conf \ conf/config-deb.yaml --verbose The resulting package may be found at: ~/.cpanpackager/deb Options * --builder (required) The builder you'd like to use to build the module. Either "RPM" or "Deb". * --conf (required) The local filesystem path to your CPAN::Packager configuration file. An example configuration file is available at: If you're building RPM's, you'll want the 'config-rpm.yaml' configuration file. If you're building Deb's, you'll want the 'config-deb.yaml' configuration file. * --module (required) The name of the module that you'd like to build. For example: Test::Reporter. * --always-build (optional; default skips builds of installed modules) Always build CPAN modules even if the module is already installed. * --verbose (optional) Emit additional information and diagnostics. * --modulelist (optional; discouraged) The path to a file containing the list of modules that should be built. There should be one module per line. For example: Foo::Bar Wibble::Plink User Manual See CPAN::Packager::Manual. DESCRIPTION cpan-packager creates RPM and Deb packages of CPAN distributions. Given a module name, cpan-packager will automatically analyze dependencies, download, build, test, provision, and install packages. AUTHOR Takatoshi Kitano <> LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.