NAME Module::Install::AggressiveInclude - A more aggressive include VERSION Version 0.01 SYNOPSIS At times Module::Install's include() function may not be enough for you. In that case Module::Install::AggressiveInclude may be what you need. Often for local development I tend to shy away from installing packages I may be working on so when working with packages that have multiple local dependencies I find my self writing this Makefile.PL code a lot: # use lib for my local libraries somewhere around here # ... build_requires 'Module::Find'; require Module::Find; include 'FooPackage'; include $_ foreach Module::Find::findallmod 'FooPackage::*'; # so on and so forth Why? You may ask when Module::Install has a support for glob matching of packages. Well, because for my (and maybe yours) it is not powerful enough when it comes to deep includes. For example say we have a lot of modules we want to include from the same namespace: FooPackage FooPackage::Alpha FooPackage::Alpha::I FooPackage::Alpha::II FooPackage::Beta FooPackage::Beta::I FooPackage::Beta::II FooPackage::Gamma FooPackage::Gamma::I FooPackage::Gamma::II If we use Module::Install's include function like this: include 'FooPackage::*'; Only these packages will get included: FooPackage::Alpha FooPackage::Beta FooPackage::Gamma # Not even plain ol' FooPackage is included In my opinion this lacks some DWIM functionality. So instead we do: include_aggressive 'FooPackage'; And we will get the base package as well as every class under it's namespace. METHODS include_aggressive PACKAGE Aggressively include PACKAGE and all the modules/packages that fall under it include_findallmod Ties Module::Find::findallmod to Module::Install::include. include_findsubmod Ties Module::Find::findsubmod to Module::Install::include. include_followsymlinks Interface with Module::Find::followsymlinks. include_ignoresymlinks Interface with Module::Find::ignoresymlinks. AUTHOR Jason M Mills, "<jmmills at>" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-module-install-aggressiveinclude at", or through the web interface at < eInclude>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Module::Install::AggressiveInclude You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker < nclude> * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * CPAN Ratings <> * Search CPAN <> ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2010 Jason M Mills. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.