# NAME Fluent::Logger - A structured event logger for Fluent # SYNOPSIS use Fluent::Logger; my $logger = Fluent::Logger->new(host => '', port => 24224); $logger->post("myapp.access", { "agent" => "foo" }); # output: myapp.access {"agent":"foo"} my $logger = Fluent::Logger->new(tag_prefix => 'myapp', host => '', port => 24224); $logger->post("access", { "agent" => "foo" }); # output: myapp.access {"agent":"foo"} # WARNING __This software is under the heavy development and considered ALPHA quality till the version hits v1.0.0. Things might be broken, not all features have been implemented, and APIs will be likely to change. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.__ ## TODO - * buffering and pending - * timeout, reconnect - * write pod - * test cases # DESCRIPTION Fluent::Logger is a structured event logger for Fluent. # METHODS - __new__(%args) create new logger instance. %args: tag_prefix => 'Str': optional host => 'Str': default is '' port => 'Int': default is 24224 timeout => 'Num': default is 3.0 - __post__($tag:Str, $msg:HashRef) send message to fluent server with tag. # AUTHOR HIROSE Masaaki <hirose31 _at_ gmail.com> # REPOSITORY <https://github.com/hirose31/fluent-logger-perl> git clone git://github.com/hirose31/fluent-logger-perl.git patches and collaborators are welcome. # SEE ALSO <http://fluent.github.com/> # COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright HIROSE Masaaki This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.