HTML::Menu::Hierarchical - HTML Hierarchical Menu Generator

     my $menu_obj =
         HTML::Menu::Hierarchical->new($conf, \&callback, $params);

     my $html = $menu_obj->generateMenu($menu_item);


     my $menu_obj =
         HTML::Menu::Hierarchical->new($conf, [ $obj, $method ]);

     my $html = $menu_obj->generateMenu($menu_item);


     my $menu_obj =
         HTML::Menu::Hierarchical->new($conf, $std_callback_name);

     my $html = $menu_obj->generateMenu($menu_item);

     In the first case, the callback is a function.  In the second,
     the callback is a method called on the given object.  In the
     third example, the callback is the name of a standard callback
     defined by HTML::Menu::Hierarchical itself (see the section on
     callback functions/methods).

     The $conf parameter is a navigation configuration data structure
     (described below).

     The $params parameter is an optional hash reference containing
     parameters pertaining to the menu as a whole.  Recognized
     parameters are:

         If this is set to a true value and you are using the 'url'
         field in the info hash (see below) in the configuration to
         specify the url for the menu item, then if a menu item is
         chosen that does not have a url configured, the url for that
         menu item will be changed to the url of the first child menu
         item that has a url configured.  This works by looking at the
         items first child, then at that child's first child, and so
         on.  It does not look at the second child.

         This has the same effect as the open_all parameter in the
         menu configuration structure mentioned below, except that it
         affects the entire menu hierarchy.

         When using the utilities urlEncodeVars() and addArgsToUrl(),
         this parameter controls which separator is used to separate
         key/value pairs in the generated query string.  Setting
         old_style_url to a true value will cause an ampersand ('&')
         to be used as the separator.

         When using the utilities urlEncodeVars() and addArgsToUrl(),
         this parameter controls which separator is used to separate
         key/value pairs in the generated query string.  Setting
         new_style_url to a true value will cause a semicolon (';') to
         be used as the separator, as recommended by the W3C.  This
         will become the default in a later release.

     HTML::Menu::Hierarchical provides a way to easily generate a
     hierarchical HTML menu without forcing a specific layout.
     All output is provided by your own callbacks (subroutine
     refs) and your own navigation configuration.

  configuration data structure
     A navigation configuration is a reference to an array whose
     elements are hashrefs.  Each hash contains configuration
     information for one menu item and its children, if any.
     Consider the following example:

     my $conf = [
                 { name => 'top_button_1',
                   info => { text => 'Top Level Button 1',
                             url => '/'
                   open => 1, # force this item's children to be displayed
                   children => [
                                { name => 'button_1_level_2',
                                  info => { text => "Child 1 of Button 1",
                                            url => '/child1.cgi'

                 { name => 'top_button_2',
                   info => { text => 'Top Level Button 2',
                             url => '/top2.cgi'
                   callback => [ $obj, 'my_callback' ]

     In each hash, the 'name' parameter should correspond to the
     $menu_item parameter passed to the generateMenu() method.  This
     is how the module computes which menu item is selected.  This is
     generally passed via a CGI parameter, which can be tacked onto
     the end of the url in your callback function.  Note that this
     parameter must be unique among all the array entries.
     Otherwise, the module will not be able to decide which menu item
     is selected.

     The value of the 'info' parameter is available to your callback
     function via the getInfo() method called on the
     HTML::Menu::Hierarchical::ItemInfo object passed to the callback
     function.  In the above example, the 'info' parameter contains
     text to be displayed as the menu item, and a url the user is
     sent to when clicking on the menu item.

     The 'children' parameter is a reference to another array
     containing configuration information for child menu items.  This
     is where the Hierarchical part comes in.  There is no limit to
     depth of the hierarchy (until you run out of RAM, anyway).

     If a 'callback' parameter is specified that callback will be
     used for that menu item instead of the global callback passed to

     An 'open' parameter can be specified to force an item's children
     to be displayed.  This can be a scalar value that indicates true
     or false.  Or it can be a subroutine reference that returns a
     true or false value.  It can also be an array, in which case the
     first element is expected to be an object, the second element
     the name of a method to call on that object, and the rest of the
     elements will be passed as arguments to the method.  If an
     'open_all' parameter is passed, the current item and all items
     under it in the hierarchy will be forced open.

  callback functions/methods
     Callback functions are passed a single parameter: an
     HTML::Menu::Hierarchical::ItemInfo object.  See the
     documentation on this object for available methods.  The
     callback function should return the HTML necessary for the
     corresponding menu item.

        my $menu_obj = HTML::Menu::Hierarchical->new($conf, \&callback);

     my $html = $menu_obj->generateMenu($menu_item);

     $menu_item is the 'name' parameter of the selected item,
     typically passed as a CGI parameter.

  addChildConf($conf, $menu_item_name)
     Adds another configuration tree into the current configuration
     at the specified node (name of the menu item).

  addChildConfToChildren($conf, $menu_item_name)
     Like addChildConf(), except add this conf to the list of
     children of the parent with name $menu_item_name.  If $conf is
     an array, each element of the array will be added to the list of

     Returns the ItemInfo object corresponding to the selected menu

     Returns an array of InfoItem objects representing the path from
     the top level menu item to the selected menu item.

  There are also underscore_separated versions of these methods.
     E.g., unescapeHtml($html) becomes unescape_html($html)

     See the scripts in the examples subdirectory for example usages.

     See the documentation for HTML::Menu::Hierarchical::ItemInfo for
     methods available via the $info_obj parameter passed to the
     menu_callback function below.

        sub menu_callback { my ($info_obj) = @_; my $info_hash =
        $info_obj->getInfo; my $level = $info_obj->getLevel;

            my $text = $$info_hash{text};
            $text = ' ' if $text eq '';
            my $item_arg = $info_obj->getName;

            # Add a cgi parameter m_i to url so we know which menu
            # item was chosen
            my $url = $info_obj->addArgsToUrl($$info_hash{url},
                                              { m_i => $item_arg });

            my $dpy_text = $info_obj->isSelected ? "<$text&gt" : $text;
            my $spacer = '  ' x $level;
            my $str = qq{<tr>\n};
            $str .= qq{<td bgcolor="#cccc88"><a href="$url">};
            $str .= $spacer . $dpy_text;
            $str .= qq{</a></td>};
            $str .= qq{</tr>\n};
            return $str;

     Please send bug reports/feature requests to

     There are currently no checks for loops in the configuration
     data structure passed to the module.

     Don Owens <>

     Copyright (c) 2003 Don Owens

     All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can
     redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl


     HTML::Menu::Hierarchical::ItemInfo - Used by HTML::Menu::Hierarchical.
     Provides information about the menu item being processed.

     Created by HTML::Menu::Hierarchical objects.

     Information holder/gatherer representing one menu item.

  Getting back information
     Returns true if the current item has child items in the
     configuration.  False otherwise.

     Returns true if the current item is the selected one.

     Returns true if the current item is in the path from the root of
     the hierarchy to the selected item.

     Returns the ItemInfo object corresponding to the selected menu

     Returns the level in the hierarchy where the selected menu item
     is located.  Levels start at zero.

     Returns the maximum level in the hierarchy to currently be

     Returns true if the current menu item is open, i.e., the current
     item has child items and is also in the open path.  Return false

     Returns true if the current menu item is the first one to be

     Returns true if the current menu item is the last to be

     Returns true if the current menu item is the first of its
     siblings to be displayed, false otherwise.

     Returns true if the current menu item is the last of its
     siblings to be displayed, false otherwise.

     Returns the value of the 'info' field for the current menu item
     in the navigation configuration.

     Instead of getting the 'info' hash and then accessing a field
     within it, you may call a method to get that field directly.
     This is implemented with AUTOLOAD, so if you do something like

        my $text = $info_obj->getText;
        my $image_src = $info_obj->getImageSrc;


        my $text = $info_obj->getText;
        my $image_src = $info_obj->get_image_src;

     you will be given back the corresponding values in the 'info'

     Returns the 'name' field for the current menu item in the
     navigation configuration.  This is used to determine which menu
     item has been selected.

     Returns the ItemInfo object corresponding to the next displayed
     menu item.

     Returns the ItemInfo object corrsponding to the previously
     displayed menu item.

     Returns the level in the menu hierarchy where the current menu
     item is located.  Levels start at zero.

     Returns the info object for the current item's parent.

  my $encoded = $info->urlEncode($plain_text)
     URL encodes the given string.  This does full url-encoding, so a
     space is %20, not a '+'.

  my $query = $info->urlEncodeVars($var_hash)
     Takes a hash containing key/value pairs and returns a
     url-encoded query string appropriate for adding to the end of a
     url.  If a value is an array, it is assumed to be a multivalued
     input field and is added to the query string as such.

     If you want to encode the query stirng in the new style
     recommended by the W3C (use a semicolon as a separator in place
     of ampersand), pass a true value for the new_style_url parameter
     when creating the HTML::Menu::Hierarchical object.  This will
     become the default in a later release.

  my $plain_text = $info->urlDecode($url_enc_str)
     Decodes the given url-encoded string.

  my $var_hash = $info->urlDecodeVars($url_enc_str)
     Decodes the url-encoded query string and returns a hash contain
     key/value pairs from the query string.  If a field appears more
     than once in the query string, it's value will be returned as a
     reference to an array of values.

  my $modified_url = $info->addArgsToUrl($url, $var_hash)
     Takes the key/value pairs in $var_hash and tacks them onto the
     end of $url as a query string.

  my $html = $info->escapeHtml($text)
     Escapes the given text so that it is not interpreted as HTML.

  my $text = $info->unescapeHtml($html)
     Unescape the escaped text.

  There are also underscore_separated versions of these methods.
     E.g., unescapeHtml($html) becomes unescape_html($html)

     hasChildrenDisplayed() - tell whether or not the current item's
                              children will be displayed

     Please send bug reports/feature requests to

     Don Owens <>

     Copyright (c) 2003 Don Owens

     All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can
     redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl

     $Id: README,v 1.15 2005/06/16 15:31:06 don Exp $