File::Rotate::Backup - Make backups of multiple directories and rotate
    them on unix.

        my $params = { archive_copies => 2,
                       dir_copies => 1,
                       backup_dir => '/backups',
                       file_prefix => 'backup_'
                       secondary_backup_dir => '/backups2',
                       secondary_archive_copies => 2,
                       verbose => 1,
                       use_flock => 1,

        my $backup = File::Rotate::Backup->new($params);

        $backup->backup([ [ '/etc/httpd/conf' => 'httpd_conf' ],
                          [ '/var/named' => 'named' ],


    This module will make backups and rotate them according to your
    specification. It creates a backup directory based on the file_prefix
    you specify and the current time. It then copies the directories you
    specified in the call to new() to that backup directory. Then a tar'd
    and compressed file is created from that directory. By default, bzip2 is
    used for compression.

    This module has only been tested on Linux and Solaris.

    The only external programs used are tar and a compression program.
    Copies and deletes are implemented internally.

        my $params = { archive_copies => 2,
                       dir_copies => 1,
                       backup_dir => '/backups',
                       file_prefix => 'backup_'
                       secondary_backup_dir => '/backups2',
                       secondary_archive_copies => 2,
                       verbose => 1,
                       use_flock => 1,
                       dir_regex => '\d+-\d+-\d+_\d+_\d+_\d+',
                       file_regex => '\d+-\d+-\d+_\d+_\d+_\d+',

        my $backup = File::Rotate::Backup->new($params);

    Creates a backup object.

        The number of old archive files to keep.

        If set to true, then no compressed archive(s) will be created even
        if archive_copies is set.

        The number of old backup directories to keep.

        Where backups are placed.

        The prefix to use for the backup directories and archive files. When
        the directories and archive files are created, the name for each is
        created by appending a timestamp to the end of the file prefix you

        Overflow directory to copy files to before deleting them from the
        backup directory when rotating.

        The number of archive files to keep in the secondary backup

        If set to a true value, status messages will be printed as the files
        are being processed.

        If set to a true value, an attempt will be made to acquire a write
        lock on any file to be removed during rotation. If a lock cannot be
        acquired, the file will not be removed. This is useful for
        concurrency control, e.g., when your backup script gets run at the
        same time as another script that is writing the backups to tape.

        If set to a true value, the external program /bin/rm will be used to
        remove a file in the case where unlink() fails. This may occur on
        systems where the file being removed is larger than 2GB and such
        files are not fully supported.

        Regular expression used to search for directories to rotate. The
        file_prefix is prepended to this to create the final regular
        expression. This is useful for rotating directories that were not
        created by this module.

        Regular expression used to search for archive files to rotate. The
        file_prefix is prepended to this to create the final regular
        expression. This is useful for rotating files that were not created
        by this module.

    Makes the backup -- creates the backed up directory and archive file.
    @conf is an array where each element is either a string or an array. If
    it is a string, it is expected to be the path to a directory that is to
    be backed up. If the element is an array, the first element is expected
    to be a directory that is to be backed up, and the second should be the
    name the directory is called once it has been copied to the backup
    directory. The return value is the name of the archive file created;
    unless 'no_archive' is set, then it will return an empty string.

    Rotates the backup directories and archive files. The number of archive
    files to keep and the number of directories to keep are specified in the
    new() constructor.

  my $archives = getArchiveDeleteList()
    Returns a list of archive files that will get deleted if the rotate()
    method is called.

  my $dirs = getDirDeleteList()
    Returns a list of directories that will get deleted if the rotate()
    method is called.

    Set the path to the compression program you want to use when creating
    the archive files in the call to backup(). The given compression program
    must provide the same API as gzip and bzip2, at least to the extent that
    it will except input from stdin and will write output to stdout when no
    file names are provided. This defaults to 'bzip2' (no explicit path).

    This sets the extension given to the archive name after the .tar. This
    defaults to .bz2 if bzip2 is used for compression, and .gz if gzip is

    Set the path to the tar program. This defaults to 'tar' (no explicit

        Don Owens <>

        Augie Schwer

        Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Don Owens

        All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can
        redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
