RAPNAP/client version 0.01

A client for the pay2send.com RAPNAP database, which is
a database of valid e-mail senders and the e-mail relays
that their e-mail originates from.

Pay2send.com  pursues a vision of e-mail that costs money
to send, except for whitelisted correspondents.  This client
module connects to http://pay2send.com/cgi/rapnap/check and
offers the RA ("Return Address") and PNA ("Peer Network Address")
specified as the first and second arguments to the rapnap_check($$)
function which is exported by this module.

The rapnap_check($$) function returns the text of the web page.

By default, RAPNAP::client uses a pay2send account key of "ipv4"
which allows 100 accesses per day from an IP address.

See the http://www.pay2send.com web site for information on 
getting a pay2send RAPNAP client key which will allow more
than 100 accesses per day.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires core perl: it handles its own socket calls
instead of using LWP.


Copyright (C) 2003 David Nicol / pay2send.com / Tipjar LLC
the RAPNAP database has a patent pending for it
this module is released GPL/AL: the same terms as Perl