use Modern::Perl;
        use Data::PaginatedTable;
        use Data::Printer;
        my @series = 'aaa' .. 'zzz';
        my $pt = Data::PaginatedTable->new(
                data           => \@series,
                string_mode    => 'preformatted',
                fill_direction => 'vertical',
        do { say $pt } while ( $pt->next );
        # aaa aae aai
        # aab aaf aaj
        # aac aag aak
        # aad aah aal
        # ...
        # zzg zzk zzo
        # zzh zzl zzp
        # zzi zzm zzq
        # zzj zzn zzr
        # zzs zzw
        # zzt zzx
        # zzu zzy
        # zzv zzz
        say Data::Printer::p( $pt->page( 32 ) );
        # \ [
        #     [0] [
        #         [0] "aoi",
        #         [1] "aom",
        #         [2] "aoq"
        #     ],
        #     [1] [
        #         [0] "aoj",
        #         [1] "aon",
        #         [2] "aor"
        #     ],
        #     [2] [
        #         [0] "aok",
        #         [1] "aoo",
        #         [2] "aos"
        #     ],
        #     [3] [
        #         [0] "aol",
        #         [1] "aop",
        #         [2] "aot"
        #     ]
        # ]


    This is yet another class to generate tables and paginate data. Each
    page represents a two-dimensional array of given dimensions, and can be
    filled horizontally or vertically. In string context, an instance of
    Data::PaginatedTable will invoke one of the string_mode methods to
    render the current page.


 data, data ( ArrayRef REQUIRED )

    Gets or sets the data to be transformed by the instance of

 rows, rows ( PositiveInteger default => 4 )

    Gets or sets the number of rows per page.

 columns, columns ( PositiveInteger default => 3 )

    Gets or sets the number of columns per row.

 fill_direction, fill_direction ( Enum[ 'vertical', 'horizontal' ] default
 => 'horizontal' )

    Gets or sets the order in which data elements will be used to fill the
    two-dimensional array of each page.

        use Modern::Perl;
        use Data::PaginatedTable;
        my @series = 1 .. 9;
        my $pt = Data::PaginatedTable->new(
                data           => \@series,
                rows           => 3,
                columns        => 3,
                fill_direction => 'vertical', # default horizontal
                string_mode    => 'preformatted'
        say $pt;
        # 1 4 7
        # 2 5 8
        # 3 6 9
        $pt->fill_direction( 'horizontal' );
        say $pt;
        # 1 2 3
        # 4 5 6
        # 7 8 9

 string_mode, string_mode ( Enum[ 'html', 'preformatted', 'raw' ] default
 => 'raw' );

    Gets or sets the method to use when a Data::PaginatedTable object is
    used in string context. See "STRING MODES".

 current, current ( PositiveInteger default => 1 );

    Gets or sets the current page.



    Returns the total number of pages based on the number of rows and

 page, page( PositiveInteger )

    Returns the two-dimensional array with the given number of rows and
    columns representing the current page, or optionally returns a specific
    page when passed an integer argument.


    Returns an array reference containing each page of data.


    Sets the current page to the first page and returns the instance.


    Sets the current page to the next page and returns the instance or
    undef if there are no next pages.


    Sets the current page to the previous page and returns the instance or
    undef if there are no previous pages.


    Sets the current page to the last page and returns the instance.



    This is a wrapper around the as_* string_mode methods. This method is
    called implicitly when the instance is in string context.


    The html string_mode stringifies the current page as a plain html
    table. All page elements are placed in string context (see overload).

        use Modern::Perl;
        use Data::PaginatedTable;
        my @series = 1 .. 12;
        my $pt = Data::PaginatedTable->new(
                data        => \@series,
                string_mode => 'html'
        say $pt;
        # <table>
        #   <tr>
        #     <td>1</td>
        #     <td>2</td>
        #     <td>3</td>
        #   </tr>
        #   <tr>
        #     <td>4</td>
        #     <td>5</td>
        #     <td>6</td>
        #   </tr>
        #   <tr>
        #     <td>7</td>
        #     <td>8</td>
        #     <td>9</td>
        #   </tr>
        #   <tr>
        #     <td>10</td>
        #     <td>11</td>
        #     <td>12</td>
        #   </tr>
        # </table>


    The preformatted string_mode uses Text::Table to format the current
    page. All page elements are placed in string context (see overload).

        use Modern::Perl;
        use Data::PaginatedTable;
        my @series = 1 .. 12;
        my $pt = Data::PaginatedTable->new(
                data        => \@series,
                string_mode => 'preformatted'
        say $pt;
        #  1  2  3
        #  4  5  6
        #  7  8  9
        # 10 11 12


    The as_raw method iterates over the page elements and invokes each in
    string context (see overload), without seperating rows with newlines.
    This method is likely not how you want to render your data unless your
    data elements are string overloaded objects with their own rendering


    This module adopts semantic versioning (



      * Text::Table

      * Data::Table

      * Data::Tabular

      * Data::Tabulate

      * Data::Tabulator

      * Data::Paginated