use Dancer2;
        use Dancer2::Plugin::ParamKeywords;
        any '/:some_named_parameter' => sub {
            my $route_param = route_param('some_named_parameter');
            my $get_param   = query_param('some_named_parameter');
            my $post_param  = body_param('some_named_parameter');


    The default Dancer2::Core::Request params accessor munges parameters in
    the following precedence from highest to lowest: POST parameters, named
    route parameters, and GET parameters.

    Consider the following route:

        post '/people/:person_id' => sub {
            my $person_id = param('person_id');
            # Perform some operation using $person_id as a key

    In the above example, if the browser/client sends a parameter person_id
    with a value of 2 in the POST body to route /people/1, $person_id will
    equal 2 while still matching the route /people/1.

    This plugin provides keywords that wrap around params($source) for
    convenience to fetch parameter values from specific sources.


    The munged_params keyword requires you to configure an order of
    precedence by which to prefer parameter sources. Please see
    Dancer2::Core::Request params accessor for a list of valid sources.

        # In config.yml
              - route
              - body
              - query

    If you won't be using this keyword, you don't need to bother
    configuring this plugin.



    Returns a hash in list context or a hash reference in scalar context of
    parameters munged according to the precedence provided in the
    configuration file (from highest to lowest).


    Returns the value supplied for a given parameter in the query string.


    Returns the arguments and values supplied by query string. Returns a
    hash in list context or a hasref in scalar context.


    Returns the value supplied for a given parameter in the POST arguments.


    Returns arguments and values supplied by a POST request. Returns a hash
    in list context or a hasref in scalar context.


    Returns the value supplied for a given named parameter in the route.


    Returns the arguments and values suppled by the route. Returns a hash
    in list context or a hasref in scalar context.