NAME RTx-RemoteLinks - Conveniently create links to ticket IDs in other RT instances DESCRIPTION With a small amount of configuration, this extension lets you enter new ticket links as "foo:123" which are then displayed in the Links box as "Foo ticket #123" with a link to the remote RT instance. Currently remote ticket subjects are not fetched due to authentication complications, but this could be added in the future. CONFIGURATION Set(%RemoteLinks, Foo => '', # assumes http:// and RT at the top-level path Bar => '', # specifies https and a subpath for RT ); Prefixes are case insensitive, so both "Foo" and "foo" and "fOo" will work. Once you create links in the system using a prefix, you should leave it configured. Make sure to add this plugin to @Plugins as well, as described in "INSTALLATION". INSTALLATION "perl Makefile.PL" "make" "make install" May need root permissions Edit your /opt/rt4/etc/ Add this line: Set(@Plugins, qw(RTx::RemoteLinks)); or add "RTx::RemoteLinks" to your existing @Plugins line. Configure your remote RT instances per "CONFIGURATION" above. Clear your mason cache rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj Restart your webserver AUTHOR Thomas Sibley <> BUGS All bugs should be reported via email to <> or via the web at <>. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Best Practical Solutions This is free software, licensed under: The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991