
# wg-meta

An approach to add metadata to the main wireguard config, written in Perl.

## Highlights

- Compatible with your existing setup (no configuration changes needed).
- A CLI interface with abilities to _set_, _enable_, _disable_ and _apply_ your wireguard config(s).
- A fancy _show_ output which combines the meta-data, running-config and static-configs
- Modular structure: The whole parser is independent of the CLI module - and can be used as a standalone library.
- The config parser/writer and as well as the `wg show dump` parser are independent too. For more info, please refer to
  their respective POD.
- Concurrent Access support is built-in.
- No external dependencies, runs on plain Perl (>=v5.22)!

## Installation

Probably the easiest way is through cpan: [https://metacpan.org/release/Wireguard-WGmeta](https://metacpan.org/release/Wireguard-WGmeta)

### Build from source

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

### Using `.deb` package
sudo dpkg -i wg-meta_X.X.X.deb

## Environment variables

- `WIREGUARD_HOME`: Directory containing the Wireguard configuration -> Make sure the path ends with a `/`. Defaults to `/etc/wireguard/`.
- `IS_TESTING`: When defined, it has the following effects:
    - `Commands::Set|Enable|Disable` omits the header of the generated configuration files.
    - Line of code is shown for warnings and errors.
- `WG_NO_COLOR`: If defined, the show command does not prettify the output with colors.

## Usage

Intended to use as command wrapper for the `wg show` and `wg set` commands. Support for `wg-quick`is enabled by default.

Please note that **all** attributes have to be specified in the `wg set` _syntax_, which means _AllowedIPs_ becomes
allowed-ips and so on.

sudo wg-meta show

# output
interface: wg0
  State: UP
  ListenPort: 51888
  PublicKey: +qz742hzxD3E5z5QF7VOvleVS1onavQpXBK3NdTh40g=

  Name: testero
  Alias: Dual_stack_peer1
  AllowedIPs: fdc9:281f:04d7:9ee9::1/128,
  endpoint:  latest-handshake: >month ago  transfer-rx: 0.26 MiB  transfer-tx: 1.36 MiB

# Access using peer
sudo wg-meta set wg0 peer +qz742hzxD3E5z5QF7VOvleVS1onavQpXBK3NdTh40g= name Fancy_meta_name

# Access using alias
sudo wg-meta set wg0 some_alias description "Some Desc"

# Disable peer
sudo wg-meta disable wg0 some_alias

# Enable peer
sudo wg-meta enable wg0 +qz742hzxD3E5z5QF7VOvleVS1onavQpXBK3NdTh40g=

# Apply config
sudo wg-meta apply wg0

## Under the hood

The main advantage is that this tool is not dependent on any other storage, metadata is stored inside the corresponding
`wgXX.conf` file (Metadata is prefixed with `#+`):

#+Alias = some_alias
#+Description = Some Desc
Address =
ListenPort = 6666
PrivateKey = WEkEJW3b4TDmRvN+G+K9elzq52/djAXT+LAB6BSEUmM=

#+Name = Fancy_meta_name
PublicKey = +qz742hzxD3E5z5QF7VOvleVS1onavQpXBK3NdTh40g=
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = wg.example.com

Development of this project is sponsored by [OETIKER+PARTNER AG](https://oetiker.ch)