# NAME Amon2::Auth::Site::Hatena - Hatena authentication integration for Amon2 # SYNOPSIS # config +{ Auth => { Hatena => { consumer_key => 'your consumer key', consumer_secret => 'your consumer secret', } } } # app __PACKAGE__->load_plugin('Web::Auth', { module => 'Hatena', on_error => sub { my ($c, $error_message) = @_; ... }, on_finished => sub { my ($c, $token, $token_secret, $user) = @_; my $name = $user->{url_name}; #=> eg. antipop (id) my $nick = $user->{display_name}; #=> eg. kentaro (nick) my $image = $user->{profile_image_url}; $c->session->set(hatena => { user => $user, token => $token, token_secret => $token_secret, }); $c->redirect('/'); }, }); # DESCRIPTION This is a Hatena authentication module for Amon2. You can easily let users authenticate via Hatena OAuth API using this module. # ATTRIBUTES - consumer\_key (required) - comsumer\_secret (required) - scope (Default: `[qw(read_public)]`) API scope in ArrayRef. - user\_info (Default: true) If true, this module fetch user data immediately after authentication. - ua (Default: instance of OAuth::Lite::Consumer) # METHODS - `$auth->auth_uri($c:Amon2::Web, $callback_uri:Str)` : Str Returns an authenticate URI according to `$ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}`. It can be one of three for PC, smart phone, and JP cell phone. - `$auth->callback($c:Amon2::Web, $callback:HashRef)` : Plack::Response Process the authentication callback dispatching. - on\_error _on\_error_ callback function is called if an error was occurred. The arguments are following: sub { my ($c, $error_message) = @_; ... } - on\_finished _on\_finished_ callback function is called if an authentication was finished. The arguments are following: sub { my ($c, $access_token, $access_token_secret, $user) = @_; ... } `$user` contains user information. If you set `$auth-`user\_info> as a false value, authentication engine does not pass `$user`. See ["app.psgi" in eg](https://metacpan.org/pod/eg#app.psgi) for details. # SEE ALSO - Hatena Auth Specification [http://developer.hatena.ne.jp/ja/documents/auth](http://developer.hatena.ne.jp/ja/documents/auth) # AUTHOR Kentaro Kuribayashi <kentarok@gmail.com> # LICENSE Copyright (C) Kentaro Kuribayashi This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.