NAME Archive::Libarchive::FFI - (Deprecated) Perl bindings to libarchive via FFI VERSION version 0.0902 SYNOPSIS list archive filenames use Archive::Libarchive::FFI qw( :all ); my $archive = archive_read_new(); archive_read_support_filter_all($archive); archive_read_support_format_all($archive); # example is a tar file, but any supported format should work # (zip, iso9660, etc.) archive_read_open_filename($archive, 'archive.tar', 10240); while(archive_read_next_header($archive, my $entry) == ARCHIVE_OK) { print archive_entry_pathname($entry), "\n"; archive_read_data_skip($archive); } archive_read_free($archive); extract archive use Archive::Libarchive::FFI qw( :all ); my $archive = archive_read_new(); archive_read_support_filter_all($archive); archive_read_support_format_all($archive); my $disk = archive_write_disk_new(); archive_write_disk_set_options($disk, ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_TIME | ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_PERM | ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_ACL | ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_FFLAGS ); archive_write_disk_set_standard_lookup($disk); archive_read_open_filename($archive, 'archive.tar', 10240); while(1) { my $r = archive_read_next_header($archive, my $entry); last if $r == ARCHIVE_EOF; archive_write_header($disk, $entry); while(1) { my $r = archive_read_data_block($archive, my $buffer, my $offset); last if $r == ARCHIVE_EOF; archive_write_data_block($disk, $buffer, $offset); } } archive_read_close($archive); archive_read_free($archive); archive_write_close($disk); archive_write_free($disk); write archive use File::stat; use File::Slurp qw( read_file ); use Archive::Libarchive::FFI qw( :all ); my $archive = archive_write_new(); # many other formats are supported ... archive_write_set_format_pax_restricted($archive); archive_write_open_filename($archive, 'archive.tar'); foreach my $filename (@filenames) { my $entry = archive_entry_new(); archive_entry_set_pathname($entry, $filename); archive_entry_set_size($entry, stat($filename)->size); archive_entry_set_filetype($entry, AE_IFREG); archive_entry_set_perm($entry, 0644); archive_write_header($archive, $entry); archive_write_data($archive, scalar read_file($filename)); archive_entry_free($entry); } archive_write_close($archive); archive_write_free($archive); DESCRIPTION NOTE: This module has been deprecated in favor of Archive::Libarchive. It provides a better thought out object-oriented interface and is easier to maintain. This module provides a functional interface to libarchive. libarchive is a C library that can read and write archives in a variety of formats and with a variety of compression filters, optimized in a stream oriented way. A familiarity with the libarchive documentation would be helpful, but may not be necessary for simple tasks. The documentation for this module is split into four separate documents: Archive::Libarchive::FFI This document, contains an overview and some examples. Archive::Libarchive::FFI::Callback Documents the callback interface, used for customizing input and output. Archive::Libarchive::FFI::Constant Documents the constants provided by this module. Archive::Libarchive::FFI::Function The function reference, includes a list of all functions provided by this module. If you are linking against an older version of libarchive, some functions and constants may not be available. You can use the can method to test if a function or constant is available, for example: if(Archive::Libarchive::FFI->can('archive_read_support_filter_grzip') { # grzip filter is available. } if(Archive::Libarchive::FFI->can('ARCHIVE_OK')) { # ... although ARCHIVE_OK should always be available. } EXAMPLES These examples are translated from equivalent C versions provided on the libarchive website, and are annotated here with Perl specific details. These examples are also included with the distribution. List contents of archive stored in file use strict; use warnings; use Archive::Libarchive::FFI qw( :all ); # this is a translation to perl for this: # my $a = archive_read_new(); archive_read_support_filter_all($a); archive_read_support_format_all($a); my $r = archive_read_open_filename($a, "archive.tar", 10240); if($r != ARCHIVE_OK) { die "error opening archive.tar: ", archive_error_string($a); } while (archive_read_next_header($a, my $entry) == ARCHIVE_OK) { print archive_entry_pathname($entry), "\n"; archive_read_data_skip($a); } $r = archive_read_free($a); if($r != ARCHIVE_OK) { die "error freeing archive"; } List contents of archive stored in memory use strict; use warnings; use Archive::Libarchive::FFI qw( :all ); # this is a translation to perl for this: # my $buff = do { open my $fh, '<', "archive.tar.gz"; local $/; <$fh> }; my $a = archive_read_new(); archive_read_support_filter_gzip($a); archive_read_support_format_tar($a); my $r = archive_read_open_memory($a, $buff); if($r != ARCHIVE_OK) { print "r = $r\n"; die "error opening archive.tar: ", archive_error_string($a); } while (archive_read_next_header($a, my $entry) == ARCHIVE_OK) { print archive_entry_pathname($entry), "\n"; archive_read_data_skip($a); } $r = archive_read_free($a); if($r != ARCHIVE_OK) { die "error freeing archive"; } List contents of archive with custom read functions use strict; use warnings; use Archive::Libarchive::FFI qw( :all ); list_archive(shift @ARGV); sub list_archive { my $name = shift; my %mydata; my $a = archive_read_new(); $mydata{name} = $name; open $mydata{fh}, '<', $name; archive_read_support_filter_all($a); archive_read_support_format_all($a); archive_read_open($a, \%mydata, undef, \&myread, \&myclose); while(archive_read_next_header($a, my $entry) == ARCHIVE_OK) { print archive_entry_pathname($entry), "\n"; } archive_read_free($a); } sub myread { my($archive, $mydata) = @_; my $br = read $mydata->{fh}, my $buffer, 10240; return (ARCHIVE_OK, $buffer); } sub myclose { my($archive, $mydata) = @_; close $mydata->{fh}; %$mydata = (); return ARCHIVE_OK; } A universal decompressor use strict; use warnings; use Archive::Libarchive::FFI qw( :all ); # this is a translation to perl for this: # my $r; my $a = archive_read_new(); archive_read_support_filter_all($a); archive_read_support_format_raw($a); $r = archive_read_open_filename($a, "hello.txt.gz.uu", 16384); if($r != ARCHIVE_OK) { die archive_error_string($a); } $r = archive_read_next_header($a, my $ae); if($r != ARCHIVE_OK) { die archive_error_string($a); } while(1) { my $size = archive_read_data($a, my $buff, 1024); if($size < 0) { die archive_error_string($a); } if($size == 0) { last; } print $buff; } archive_read_free($a); A basic write example use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use File::stat; use Archive::Libarchive::FFI qw( :all ); # this is a translation to perl for this: # sub write_archive { my($outname, @filenames) = @_; my $a = archive_write_new(); archive_write_add_filter_gzip($a); archive_write_set_format_pax_restricted($a); archive_write_open_filename($a, $outname); foreach my $filename (@filenames) { my $st = stat $filename; my $entry = archive_entry_new(); archive_entry_set_pathname($entry, $filename); archive_entry_set_size($entry, $st->size); archive_entry_set_filetype($entry, AE_IFREG); archive_entry_set_perm($entry, 0644); archive_write_header($a, $entry); open my $fh, '<', $filename; my $len = read $fh, my $buff, 8192; while($len > 0) { archive_write_data($a, $buff); $len = read $fh, $buff, 8192; } close $fh; archive_entry_free($entry); } archive_write_close($a); archive_write_free($a); } unless(@ARGV > 0) { print "usage: perl archive.tar.gz file1 [ file2 [ ... ] ]\n"; exit 2; } unless(@ARGV > 1) { print "Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive\n"; exit 2; } write_archive(@ARGV); Constructing objects on disk use strict; use warnings; use Archive::Libarchive::FFI qw( :all ); # this is a translation to perl for this: # my $a = archive_write_disk_new(); archive_write_disk_set_options($a, ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_TIME); my $entry = archive_entry_new(); archive_entry_set_pathname($entry, "my_file.txt"); archive_entry_set_filetype($entry, AE_IFREG); archive_entry_set_size($entry, 5); archive_entry_set_mtime($entry, 123456789, 0); archive_entry_set_perm($entry, 0644); archive_write_header($a, $entry); archive_write_data($a, "abcde"); archive_write_finish_entry($a); archive_write_free($a); archive_entry_free($entry); A complete extractor use strict; use warnings; use Archive::Libarchive::FFI qw( :all ); # this is a translation to perl for this: # my $filename = shift @ARGV; unless(defined $filename) { warn "reading archive from standard in"; } my $r; my $flags = ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_TIME | ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_PERM | ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_ACL | ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_FFLAGS; my $a = archive_read_new(); archive_read_support_filter_all($a); archive_read_support_format_all($a); my $ext = archive_write_disk_new(); archive_write_disk_set_options($ext, $flags); archive_write_disk_set_standard_lookup($ext); $r = archive_read_open_filename($a, $filename, 10240); if($r != ARCHIVE_OK) { die "error opening $filename: ", archive_error_string($a); } while(1) { $r = archive_read_next_header($a, my $entry); if($r == ARCHIVE_EOF) { last; } if($r != ARCHIVE_OK) { print archive_error_string($a), "\n"; } if($r < ARCHIVE_WARN) { exit 1; } $r = archive_write_header($ext, $entry); if($r != ARCHIVE_OK) { print archive_error_string($ext), "\n"; } elsif(archive_entry_size($entry) > 0) { copy_data($a, $ext); } } archive_read_close($a); archive_read_free($a); archive_write_close($ext); archive_write_free($ext); sub copy_data { my($ar, $aw) = @_; my $r; while(1) { $r = archive_read_data_block($ar, my $buff, my $offset); if($r == ARCHIVE_EOF) { return; } if($r != ARCHIVE_OK) { die archive_error_string($ar), "\n"; } $r = archive_write_data_block($aw, $buff, $offset); if($r != ARCHIVE_OK) { die archive_error_string($aw), "\n"; } } } Unicode Libarchive deals with two types of string like data. Pathnames, user and group names are proper strings and are encoded in the codeset for the current POSIX locale. Content data for files stored and retrieved from in raw bytes. The usual operational procedure in Perl is to convert everything on input into UTF-8, operate on the UTF-8 data and then convert (if necessary) everything on output to the desired output format. In order to get useful string data out of libarchive, this module translates its input/output using the codeset for the current POSIX locale. So you must be using a POSIX locale that supports the characters in the pathnames of the archives you are going to process, and it is highly recommend that you use a UTF-8 locale, which should cover everything. use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Archive::Libarchive::FFI qw( :all ); use POSIX qw( setlocale LC_ALL ); # substitute en_US.utf8 for the correct UTF-8 locale for your region. setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8"); # or 'export LANG=en_US.utf8' from your shell. my $entry = archive_entry_new(); archive_entry_set_pathname($entry, "привет.txt"); my $string = archive_entry_pathname($entry); # "привет.txt" archive_entry_free($entry); If you try to pass a string with characters unsupported by your current locale, the behavior is undefined. If you try to retrieve strings with characters unsupported by your current locale you will get undef. Unfortunately locale names are not portable across systems, so you should probably not hard code the locale as shown here unless you know the correct locale name for all the platforms that your script will run. There are two Perl only functions that give information about the current codeset as understood by libarchive. archive_perl_utf8_mode if the currently selected codeset is UTF-8. use strict; use warnings; use Archive::Libarchive::FFI qw( :all ); die "must use UTF-8 locale" unless archive_perl_utf8_mode(); archive_perl_codeset returns the currently selected codeset. use strict; use warnings; use Archive::Libarchive::FFI qw( :all ); my $entry = archive_entry_new(); if(archive_perl_codeset() =~ /^(ISO-8859-5|CP1251|KOI8-R|UTF-8)$/) { archive_entry_set_pathname($entry, "привет.txt"); my $string = archive_entry_pathname($entry); # "привет.txt" } else { archive_entry_set_pathname($entry, "privet.txt"); my $string = archive_entry_pathname($entry); # "privet.txt" } Because libarchive reads and writes file content within an archive using raw bytes, if your file content has non ASCII characters in it, then you need to encode them use Encode qw( encode ); archive_write_data($archive, encode('UTF-8', "привет.txt"); # or archive_write_data($archive, encode('KOI8-R', "привет.txt"); read: use Encode qw( decode ); my $raw; archive_read_data($archive, $raw, 10240); my $decoded_content = decode('UTF-8', $raw); # or my $decoded_content = decode('KOI8-R', $raw); SUPPORT If you find bugs, please open an issue on the project GitHub repository: If you have a fix, please open a pull request. You can see the CONTRIBUTING file for traps, hints and pitfalls. CAVEATS Archive and entry objects are really pointers to opaque C structures and need to be freed using one of archive_read_free, archive_write_free or archive_entry_free, in order to free the resources associated with those objects. Proper Unicode (or non-ASCII character support) depends on setting the correct POSIX locale, which is system dependent. The documentation that comes with libarchive is not that great (by its own admission), being somewhat incomplete, and containing a few subtle errors. In writing the documentation for this distribution, I borrowed heavily (read: stole wholesale) from the libarchive documentation, making changes where appropriate for use under Perl (changing NULL to undef for example, along with the interface change to make that work). I may and probably have introduced additional subtle errors. Patches to the documentation that match the implementation, or fixes to the implementation so that it matches the documentation (which ever is appropriate) would greatly appreciated. SEE ALSO The intent of this module is to provide a low level fairly thin direct interface to libarchive, on which a more Perlish OO layer could easily be written. Archive::Libarchive::XS Archive::Libarchive::FFI Both of these provide the same API to libarchive but the bindings are implemented in XS for one and via FFI::Raw for the other. Archive::Libarchive::Any Offers whichever is available, either the XS or FFI version. The actual algorithm as to which is picked is subject to change, depending on with version seems to be the most reliable. Archive::Peek::Libarchive Archive::Extract::Libarchive Both of these provide a higher level, less complete perlish interface to libarchive. Archive::Tar Archive::Tar::Wrapper Just some of the many modules on CPAN that will read/write tar archives. Archive::Zip Just one of the many modules on CPAN that will read/write zip archives. Archive::Any A module attempts to read/write multiple formats using different methods depending on what perl modules are installed, and preferring pure perl modules. AUTHOR Graham Ollis <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Graham Ollis. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.