NAME Mu::Tiny - NAE KING! NAE QUIN! NAE CAPTAIN! WE WILLNAE BE FOOLED AGAIN! SYNOPSIS BEGIN { package Feegle; use Mu::Tiny; ro 'name'; lazy plan => sub { 'PLN' }; } my $rob = Feegle->new(name => 'Rob Anybody'); # name is required say $rob->plan; # outputs 'PLN' DESCRIPTION This is the aaaabsoluuuute baaaaare minimumimumimum subset o' Mu, for those o' ye who value yer independence over yer sanity. It doesnae trouble wi' anythin' but the read-onlies, for tis a terrible thing to make a feegle try t' write. METHODS new my $new = Feegle->new(%attrs|\%attrs); The new method be inherited from "Mu::Tiny::Object" like a shiny thing or the duties o' a Kelda. Ye may hand it a hash, or if ye already made yer own hash o' things, a reference to the one so pre-prepared. An ye forget any o' the attrs declared as "ro", then "new" will go waily waily waily and "croak" with a list of all that ye missed. EXPORTS ro ro 'attr'; An "ro" attr be required and read only, and knows nothin' but its own name. lazy lazy 'attr' => sub { <build default value> }; A "lazy" attr be read only but not required, an' if ye make us, we'll take a guess at what ye wanted, but only when we must. If'n ye be slightly less lazy than us, then subclass and override yan "_build_attr" method t' change tha guess. WHUT Dinnae fash yersel', Hamish, you prob'ly wanted Mu anyway. APOLOGIES ... to Terry Pratchett, Mithaldu, and probably everybody else as well. AUTHOR mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <> CONTRIBUTORS None yet - maybe this software is perfect! (ahahahahahahahahaha) COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2020 the Mu::Tiny "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed above. LICENSE This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself.