NAME Perl5::Build::Warnings - Parse make output for build-time warnings SYNOPSIS use Perl5::Build::Warnings; my $self = Perl5::Build::Warnings->new( { file => '/path/to/make.log' } ); my $hashref = $self->get_warnings_groups; my $arrayref = $self->get_warnings; $self->report_warnings_groups; $arrayref = $self->get_warnings_for_group('Wunused-variable'); $arrayref = $self->get_warnings_for_source('op.c'); DESCRIPTION Perl5::Build::Warnings is a module for use in studying build-time warnings emitted by make when building the Perl 5 core distribution from source code. Prerequisites CPAN module Capture::Tiny is used in this library's test suite, but not in the module itself. There are currently no other prerequisites not found in the Perl 5 core distribution. Assumptions Logging of make Output The module assumes that the user has logged the output of make (or make test_prep -- but not make test -- or Windows equivalents) to a plain-text file. Something like: make test_prep 2>&1 > /path/to/make.log The build log may be gzipped-compressed, *e.g.:* make test_prep 2>&1 | gzip -c > /path/to/make.log.gz Format for Build-Time Warnings The module assumes that within such a logfile, warnings are recorded in this format: op.c:5468:34: warning: argument ‘o’ might be clobbered by ‘longjmp’ or ‘vfork’ [-Wclobbered] That is, <filename>:<line_number>:<character_number>: warning: <warning_description> [-<Wwarning_class>] Note that the first field recorded, "filename" may be either the basename of a file in the top-level of the source code or a relative path to a file beneath the top-level. Note further that the last field recorded, the class of warning, starts with an open bracket ("["), followed by a hyphen and an upper-case 'W' ("-W"), followed by the warning class, followed by a close bracket ("]"). In this module we will ignore the open and close brackets and the hyphen, but we will capture and report the upper-case 'W'. Hence, whereas the log will record [-Wclobbered] ... this module will store and report that information as: Wclobbered This is done in part because we may wish to use this data on the command-line and the hyphen is likely to be significant to the shell. Complete Documentation After installation, read the complete documentation via: perldoc Perl5::Build::Warnings INSTALLATION To install: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If you are on a windows box you should use 'nmake' rather than 'make'.