DBIx::SQLEngine::ReadMe - Introduction to DBIx::SQLEngine.

    The DBIx::SQLEngine class provides an extended interface for DBI
    database handles, adding methods that support ad-hoc SQL generation and
    query execution in a single call.

    This is the most recent version of a collection of libraries that I've
    used over the last several years to develop business data applications
    and object-relational mapping toolkits.

    Its goal is to simplify dynamic query execution with the following

    *   Data-driven SQL: Ad-hoc generation of SQL statements from Perl data
        structures in a variety of formats.

    *   High-Level Interface: Standard operations are handled by a single
        method call each. Error handling is standardized.

    *   Full API Access: Pass-through arbitrary SQL and allow access to
        entire DBI API for cases when high-level interfaces are insufficient
        or inconvenient.

    *   Portability: Dynamic subclassing (via DBIx::AnyDBD) to allow
        platform-specific support for driver idiosyncrasies and DBMS

    This module requires these other modules and libraries:

      DBI                   1.0
      DBIx::AnyDBD          2.0
      Class::MakeMethods    1.000_015

    You must also have at least one working DBD module installed. (If you
    are using DBD::CSV or DBD::AnyData, make sure you have upgraded to
    SQL::Statement 1.0 or later.)

    To install this module type the following:

      perl Makefile.PL
      make test
      make install

    In order for the test to succeed, you must also have at least one
    working DBD module installed, and must provide a DSN to which the script
    can connect with permissions to create tables.

    Version 0.003 is a preliminary release of DBIx::SQLEngine intended for
    public review and discussion

    Although it based on earlier code that was extensively tested over
    several years of production use, this code has recently been majorly
    refactored, and has not yet been sufficiently tested in its new form.

    The proposed CPAN module list entry is as follows:

      Name            DSLI  Description
      --------------  ----  ---------------------------------------------
      :: SQLEngine    bdpo  Extends DBI with high-level operations

    Further information and support for this module is available at

    Please report bugs or other problems to "<>".

    See the DBIx::SQLEngine::ToDo manpage for bugs and missing features.

    See the DBIx::SQLEngine manpage for interface documentation.

    See the DBIx::SQLEngine::Changes manpage for revision history.

  Similar Modules

    Several other CPAN modules provide a similar wrapper around DBI for
    purposes of simplification, abstraction, or portability.

    Most of these provide simple wrappers around DBI's connect, prepare, and
    fetch methods, but do not appear to support any kind of cross-DBMS
    portability mechanism. See the DBIx::Abstract manpage, the
    DBIx::AbstractLite manpage, and the DBIx::Broker manpage for examples of
    this group.

    Some provide a limited degree of cross-DBMS support via specialized
    subclasses for the DBDs they support. See the DBIx::SearchBuilder
    manpage, the DBIx::Easy manpage, and the DBIx::DWIW manpage for examples
    of this group.

    The DBIx::Recordset framework provides similar functionality, including
    a substantial library of cross-DBMS compatibilty information. It also
    includes a TIE-drive interface that allows automatic updates on
    retrieved rows. See the DBIx::RecordSet manpage, the DBIx::Database
    manpage, the DBIx::Compat manpage

    The Alzabo framework provides similar functionality, included
    DBMS-specific SQL generation, as part of an RDBMS-OO mapper; see the
    Alzabo::Driver manpage and the Alzabo::SQLMaker manpage.

  Developed By

      M. Simon Cavalletto,
      Evolution Softworks,


      Piglet / EJ Evans,
      Eric Schneider,


    Copyright 2001, 2002 Matthew Cavalletto.

    Portions copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Evolution Online
    Systems, Inc.


    You may use, modify, and distribute this software under the same terms
    as Perl.