Devel::Messenger - Let Your Code Talk to You

    Do you want your program to tell you what it is doing? Send this
    messenger into the abyss of your code to bring back to you all the
    pertinent information you want.

    First, set notes in your code, in-line comments that start with `note'
    instead of `#'.

        # this is an in-line comment (it is boring)
        note "this is a note (things start getting exciting now)\n";

    To keep your program from giving you terrible errors about `note' not
    being defined, give it something to do.

      use subs qw{note};
      sub note {}

    Or you could import the slightly more powerful `note' subroutine defined
    in Devel::Messenger.

      use Devel::Messenger qw{note};

    By itself, `note' does not do anything. Right now, all it is doing is
    making sure Perl doesn't give you an error message and die.

    So how do you make Devel::Messenger go and activate these notes?
    Continue reading in the accompanying documentation to find out.


    Download distribution: Devel-Messenger-0.xx.tar.gz
    Unzip and untar it:

      gunzip Devel-Messenger-0.xx.tar.gz
      tar -xf Devel-Messenger-0.xx.tar

    Perl module standard installation procedure:

      perl Makefile.PL
      make test

    Become superuser and install

      make install

    Full documentation is available in the file as POD.
    You may view the documentation after you have run 'make'.

      perldoc Devel::Messenger

    Or you can just read the POD.

    Nathan Gray -