Email::Send - Simply Sending Email

      use Email::Send;
      send SMTP => <<__MESSAGE__, $host;


      use Email::Send qw[Sendmail]; # preload mailer(s)
      my $email_obj = Email::Simple->new($msg);

      send Sendmail => $email_obj;

      my $mime_message = Simple::MIME->new(...);
      send IO => $mime_message, '-'; # print to STDOUT

      send My::Own::Special::Sender => $msg, %options;

    This module provides a very simple, very clean, very specific interface
    to multiple Email mailers. The goal if this software is to be small and
    simple, easy to use, and easy to extend.

    Mailers are simple to use. You can pre-load mailers when using

      use Email::Send qw[SMTP NNTP];

    If you don't preload a mailer before you use it in the "send" function,
    it will by dynamically loaded. Mailers are named either relative to the
    "Email::Send" namespace, or fully qualified. For example, when using the
    "IO" mailer, "Email::Send" first tries to load "Email::Send::IO". If
    that fails, an attempt is made to load "IO". If that final attempt
    fails, "Email::Send" will throw an exception.

          my $rv = send $mailer => $message, @args;

        This function tries to send $message using $mailer. $message and
        $mailer are required arguments. Anything passed in @args is passed
        directly to $mailer. Note that various mailers may require certain
        arguments. Please consult the documentation for any mailer you
        choose to use.

        The format of $message is specified exactly as anything that
        Email::Abstract can grok and return "as_string". This currently
        includes most email building classes and a properly formatted
        message as a string. If you have a message type that
        "Email::Abstract" doesn't understand, read its documentation for
        instructions on how to extend it.

  Writing Mailers
    Writing new mailers is very simple. If you want to use a short name when
    calling "send", name your mailer under the "Email::Send" namespace. If
    you don't, the full name will have to be used. A mailer only needs to
    implement a single function, "send". It will be called from
    "Email::Send" exactly like this.

      Your::Sending::Package::send($message, @args);

    $message is an Email::Simple object, @args are the extra arguments
    passed into "Email::Send::send".

    Here's an example of a mailer that sends email to a URL.

      package Email::Send::HTTP::Post;
      use strict;

      use vars qw[$AGENT $URL $FIELD];
      use Carp qw[croak];
      use LWP::UserAgent;

      sub send {
          my ($message, @args);
          if ( @args ) {
              my ($URL, $FIELD) = @args;
              $AGENT = LWP::UserAgent->new;
          croak "Can't send to URL if no URL and field are named"
            unless $URL && $FIELD;
          $AGENT->post($URL => { $FIELD => $message->as_string });


    This example will keep a UserAgent singleton unless new arguments are
    passed to "send". It is used by calling "Email::Send::send".

      send HTTP::Post => $message, '', 'message';
      send HTTP::Post => $message2; # uses saved $URL and $FIELD

    Email::Abstract, Email::Send::IO, Email::Send::NNTP, Email::Send::Qmail,
    Email::Send::SMTP, Email::Send::Sendmail, perl.

    Casey West, <>.

      Copyright (c) 2004 Casey West.  All rights reserved.
      This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
      under the same terms as Perl itself.