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Plift - Designer friendly, safe, extensible HTML template engine.


    use Plift;

    my $plift = Plift->new(
        path    => \@paths,                               # default ['.']
        plugins => [qw/ Script Blog Gallery GoogleMap /], # plugins not included

    my $tpl = $plift->template("index");

    # set render directives
        '#name' => 'fullname',
        '#contact' => [
            '.phone' => 'contact.phone',
            '.email' => 'contact.email'

    # render render with data
    my $document = $tpl->render({

        fullname => 'Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz',
        contact => {
            phone => '+55 27 1234-5678',
            email => 'cafe@example.com'

    # print
    print $document->as_html;


Plift is a HTML template engine which enforces strict separation of business logic
from the view. It is designer friendly, safe, extensible and fast enough to
be used as a web request renderer. This engine tries to follow the principles
described in the paper _Enforcing Strict Model-View Separation in Template Engines_
by Terence Parr of University of San Francisco. The goal is to provide suficient
power without providing constructs that allow separation violations.


This document is the reference for the Plift class. The manual pages (not yet
complete) are:

- [Plift::Manual::Tutorial](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plift::Manual::Tutorial)

    Step-by-step intruduction to Plift. "Hello World" style.

- [Plift::Manual::DesignerFriendly](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plift::Manual::DesignerFriendly)

    Pure HTML5 template files makes everything easier to write and better to maintain.
    Designers can use their WYSIWYG editor, backend developers can unit test their
    element renderers.

- [Plift::Manual::Inception](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plift::Manual::Inception)

    Talks about the web framework that inspired Plift, and its 'View-First'
    approach to web request handling. (As opposed to the widespread 'Controller-First').

- [Plift::Manual::CustomHandler](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plift::Manual::CustomHandler)

    Explains how Plift is just an engine for reading/parsing HTML files, and
    dispaching subroutine handlers bound to XPath expressions. You will learn how
    to write your custom handlers using the same dispaching loop as the builtin


## add\_handler

- Arguments: \\%parameters

Binds a handler to one or more html tags, attributes, or xpath expression.
Valid parameters are:

- tag

    Scalar or arrayref of HTML tags bound to this handler.

- attribute

    Scalar or arrayref of HTML attributes bound to this handler.

- xpath

    XPath expression matching the nodes bound this handler.

See [Plift::Manual::CustomHandler](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plift::Manual::CustomHandler).

## template

    $context = $plift->template($template_name, \%options)

Creates a new [Plift::Context](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plift::Context) instance, which will load, process and render
template `$template_name`. See ["at" in Plift::Context](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plift::Context#at), ["set" in Plift::Context](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plift::Context#set) and
["render" in Plift::Context](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plift::Context#render).

## process

    $document = $plift->process($template_name, \%data, \@directives)

A shortcut method.
A new context is created via  ["template"](#template), rendering directives are set via
["at" in Plift::Context](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plift::Context#at) and finally the template is rendered via ["render" in Plift::Context](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plift::Context#render).
Returns a [XML::LibXML::jQuery](https://metacpan.org/pod/XML::LibXML::jQuery) object representing the final processed document.

    my %data = (
        fullname => 'John Doe',
        contact => {
            phone => 123,
            email => 'foo@example'

    my @directives =
        '#name' => 'fullname',
        '#name@title' => 'fullname',
        '#contact' => {
            'contact' => [
                '.phone' => 'phone',
                '.email' => 'email',

    my $document = $plift->process('index', \%data, \@directives);

    print $document->as_html;

## render

    $html = $plift->render($template_name, \%data, \@directives)

A shortcut for `$plift->process()->as_html`.

## load\_components

    $plift = $plift->load_components(@components)

Loads one or more Plift components. For each component, we build a class name
by prepending `Plift::` to the component name, then load the class, instantiate
a new object and call `$component->register($self)`.

See [Plift::Manual::CustomHandler](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plift::Manual::CustomHandler).


This is a list of modules (that I know of) that pursue similar goals:

- [HTML::Template](https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML::Template)

    Probably one of the first to use (almost) valid html files as templates, and
    encourage less business logic to be embedded in the templates.

- [Template::Pure](https://metacpan.org/pod/Template::Pure)

    Perl implementation of Pure.js. This module inspired Plift's render directives.

- [Template::Semantic](https://metacpan.org/pod/Template::Semantic)

    Similar to Template::Pure, but the render directives points to the actual data
    values, instead of datapoints. Which IMHO makes the work harder.

- [Template::Flute](https://metacpan.org/pod/Template::Flute)

    Uses a XML specification format for the rendering directives. Has lots of other


Copyright (C) Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz <cafe@kreato.com.br>